Molecular regulation of apple and grape ripening: exploring common and distinct transcriptional aspects of representative climacteric and non-climacteric fruits
Fleshy fruits of angiosperms are organs specialized for promoting seed dispersal by
attracting herbivores and enticing them to consume the organ and the seeds it contains …
attracting herbivores and enticing them to consume the organ and the seeds it contains …
A new tomato NAC (N AM/A TAF1/2/C UC2) transcription factor, SlNAC4, functions as a positive regulator of fruit ripening and carotenoid accumulation
Fruit ripening in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a complicated development process
affected by both endogenous hormonal and genetic regulators and external signals …
affected by both endogenous hormonal and genetic regulators and external signals …
Physiological aspects of fruit ripening: the mitochondrial connection
VE Perotti, AS Moreno, FE Podestá - Mitochondrion, 2014 - Elsevier
Fruit ripening is a genetically programmed process which leads to an assortment of
physiological and metabolic changes that irreversibly alter its characteristics. Depending on …
physiological and metabolic changes that irreversibly alter its characteristics. Depending on …
Overexpression of tomato SlNAC1transcription factor alters fruit pigmentation and softening
N Ma, H Feng, X Meng, D Li, D Yang, C Wu, Q Meng - BMC Plant Biology, 2014 - Springer
Background Fruit maturation and ripening are genetically regulated processes that involve a
complex interplay of plant hormones, growth regulators and multiple biological and …
complex interplay of plant hormones, growth regulators and multiple biological and …
The Solanum melongena COP1LIKE manipulates fruit ripening and flowering time in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
Abstract The CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC (COP) 1LIKE is a regulatory protein
and repressor of photomorphogenesis; which control many processes of development in …
and repressor of photomorphogenesis; which control many processes of development in …
Effect of ethylene and 1-MCP on expression of genes involved in ethylene biosynthesis and perception during ripening of apple fruit
X Yang, J Song, L Campbell-Palmer, S Fillmore… - Postharvest Biology and …, 2013 - Elsevier
Ethylene plays an important role in regulating fruit ripening and senescence and directly
influences the development of the eating quality of fresh apples, including appearance …
influences the development of the eating quality of fresh apples, including appearance …
A tomato MADS-box protein, SlCMB1, regulates ethylene biosynthesis and carotenoid accumulation during fruit ripening
J Zhang, Z Hu, Q Yao, X Guo, V Nguyen, F Li… - Scientific reports, 2018 -
The MADS-box transcription factors play essential roles in many physiological and
biochemical processes of plants, especially in fruit ripening. Here, a tomato MADS-box …
biochemical processes of plants, especially in fruit ripening. Here, a tomato MADS-box …
[HTML][HTML] Melatonin stimulates postharvest ripening of apples by up-regulating gene expression of ethylene synthesis enzymes
Melatonin has been implicated in the regulation of ripening in several types of climacteric
fruits, but its role in apple is poorly understood. In this study, the effectiveness of melatonin in …
fruits, but its role in apple is poorly understood. In this study, the effectiveness of melatonin in …
Role of melatonin in apple fruit during growth and ripening: possible interaction with ethylene
The role of melatonin during the growth and ripening of apple fruit was studied using local
varieties. The evolution of the growth and ripening parameters, including fruit size and …
varieties. The evolution of the growth and ripening parameters, including fruit size and …
A candidate gene based approach validates Md-PG1 as the main responsible for a QTL impacting fruit texture in apple (Malus x domesticaBorkh)
S Longhi, MT Hamblin, L Trainotti, CP Peace… - BMC plant biology, 2013 - Springer
Background Apple is a widely cultivated fruit crop for its quality properties and extended
storability. Among the several quality factors, texture is the most important and appreciated …
storability. Among the several quality factors, texture is the most important and appreciated …