A 9170-year record of decadal-to-multi-centennial scale pluvial episodes from the coastal Southwest United States: a role for atmospheric rivers?
A well-dated, 9170 calendar year before present (cal yr BP) paleohydrologic reconstruction
is presented from Lower Bear Lake in the San Bernardino Mountains of the coastal …
is presented from Lower Bear Lake in the San Bernardino Mountains of the coastal …
Moisture variability in the southwestern United States linked to abrupt glacial climate change
Many regions of the world experienced abrupt climate variability during the last glacial
period (75–15 thousand years ago,). These changes probably arose from interactions …
period (75–15 thousand years ago,). These changes probably arose from interactions …
Late Quaternary paleohydrological conditions in the drylands of northern Mexico: a summer precipitation proxy record of the last 80 cal ka BP
We present a late Quaternary multi-proxy record from the paleolake Babicora in order to
understand the influence of North American Monsoon (NAM) and westerly winter storms on …
understand the influence of North American Monsoon (NAM) and westerly winter storms on …
A Holocene record of Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO)-related hydrologic variability in southern California (Lake Elsinore, CA)
High-resolution terrestrial records of Holocene climate from Southern California are scarce.
Moreover, there are no records of Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) variability, a major …
Moreover, there are no records of Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) variability, a major …
Evidence for insolation and Pacific forcing of late glacial through Holocene climate in the Central Mojave Desert (Silver Lake, CA)
ME Kirby, EJ Knell, WT Anderson, MS Lachniet… - Quaternary …, 2015 - cambridge.org
Silver Lake is the modern terminal playa of the Mojave River in southern California (USA).
As a result, it is well located to record both influences from the winter precipitation dominated …
As a result, it is well located to record both influences from the winter precipitation dominated …
Insolation forcing of Holocene climate change in Southern California: a sediment study from Lake Elsinore
Lake Elsinore is the largest natural lake in Southern California. As such, the lake provides a
unique opportunity to investigate terrestrial climate on timescales otherwise …
unique opportunity to investigate terrestrial climate on timescales otherwise …
A half-million-year record of paleoclimate from the Lake Manix Core, Mojave Desert, California
MC Reheis, J Bright, SP Lund, DM Miller… - Palaeogeography …, 2012 - Elsevier
Pluvial lakes in the southwestern US responded sensitively to past climate through effects
on rainfall, runoff, and evaporation. Although most studies agree that pluvial lakes in the …
on rainfall, runoff, and evaporation. Although most studies agree that pluvial lakes in the …
Geochemical record of Late Quaternary paleoclimate from lacustrine sediments of paleo-lake San Felipe, western Sonora Desert, Mexico
Stratigraphy, mineralogy, major and trace elements, organic carbon, carbonate, sulfate and
AMS 14C dates are used to infer Late Quaternary depositional environments and paleo …
AMS 14C dates are used to infer Late Quaternary depositional environments and paleo …
An enhanced role for the Tropical Pacific on the humid Pleistocene–Holocene transition in southwestern North America
JL Antinao, E McDonald - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2013 - Elsevier
Climate effects on landscape evolution during the Late Pleistocene–Holocene transition (∼
14.6–8 ka) in southwestern North America traditionally are linked to the activity of the North …
14.6–8 ka) in southwestern North America traditionally are linked to the activity of the North …
Climate-controlled landscape evolution in the Western Transverse Ranges, California: Insights from Quaternary geochronology of the Saugus Formation and strath …
Abstract The Las Posas and Ojai Valleys, located in the actively deforming Western
Transverse Ranges of California, contain well-preserved flights of strath terraces and …
Transverse Ranges of California, contain well-preserved flights of strath terraces and …