Second sphere effects on oxygen reduction and peroxide activation by mononuclear iron porphyrins and related systems
Activation and reduction of O2 and H2O2 by synthetic and biosynthetic iron porphyrin
models have proved to be a versatile platform for evaluating second-sphere effects deemed …
models have proved to be a versatile platform for evaluating second-sphere effects deemed …
Copper active sites in biology
On the basis of its generally accessible I/II redox couple and bioavailability, copper plays a
wide variety of roles in nature that mostly involve electron transfer (ET), O 2 binding …
wide variety of roles in nature that mostly involve electron transfer (ET), O 2 binding …
[HTML][HTML] Metalloproteins containing cytochrome, iron–sulfur, or copper redox centers
Redox reactions play important roles in almost all biological processes, including
photosynthesis and respiration, which are two essential energy processes that sustain all life …
photosynthesis and respiration, which are two essential energy processes that sustain all life …
Fungal laccases–occurrence and properties
P Baldrian - FEMS microbiology reviews, 2006 -
Laccases of fungi attract considerable attention due to their possible involvement in the
transformation of a wide variety of phenolic compounds including the polymeric lignin and …
transformation of a wide variety of phenolic compounds including the polymeric lignin and …
Laccases: a never-ending story
Laccases (benzenediol: oxygen oxidoreductases, EC 1.10. 3.2) are blue multicopper
oxidases that catalyze the oxidation of an array of aromatic substrates concomitantly with the …
oxidases that catalyze the oxidation of an array of aromatic substrates concomitantly with the …
[PDF][PDF] Biodegradation of lignocellulosics: microbial, chemical, and enzymatic aspects of the fungal attack of lignin
Wood is the main renewable material on Earth and is largely used as building material and
in paper-pulp manufacturing. This review describes the composition of lignocellulosic …
in paper-pulp manufacturing. This review describes the composition of lignocellulosic …
Structure and action mechanism of ligninolytic enzymes
DWS Wong - Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, 2009 - Springer
Lignin is the most abundant renewable source of aromatic polymer in nature, and its
decomposition is indispensable for carbon recycling. It is chemically recalcitrant to …
decomposition is indispensable for carbon recycling. It is chemically recalcitrant to …
Structure and spectroscopy of copper− dioxygen complexes
LM Mirica, X Ottenwaelder, TDP Stack - Chemical Reviews, 2004 - ACS Publications
The reactions of Cu (I) complexes with O2 and the oxidative properties of the resulting
Cu/O2 complexes have attracted much interest during the past decades because of their …
Cu/O2 complexes have attracted much interest during the past decades because of their …
Laccases: a useful group of oxidoreductive enzymes
L Gianfreda, F Xu, JM Bollag - Bioremediation journal, 1999 - Taylor & Francis
Using enzymes as decontaminating agents has received great attention. One of the most
promising groups of enzymes, laccases, are used to decontaminate phenol-polluted …
promising groups of enzymes, laccases, are used to decontaminate phenol-polluted …
Crystal structure of a laccase from the fungusTrametes versicolor at 1.90-Å resolution containing a full complement of coppers
K Piontek, M Antorini, T Choinowski - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2002 -
Laccase is a polyphenol oxidase, which belongs to the family of blue multicopper oxidases.
These enzymes catalyze the one-electron oxidation of four reducing-substrate molecules …
These enzymes catalyze the one-electron oxidation of four reducing-substrate molecules …