Green IoT: A review and future research directions
The internet of things (IoT) has a significant economic and environmental impact owing to
the billions or trillions of interconnected devices that use various types of sensors to …
the billions or trillions of interconnected devices that use various types of sensors to …
[HTML][HTML] Contributed Review: Source-localization algorithms and applications using time of arrival and time difference of arrival measurements
X Li, ZD Deng, LT Rauchenstein… - Review of Scientific …, 2016 - pubs.aip.org
Locating the position of fixed or mobile sources (ie, transmitters) based on measurements
obtained from sensors (ie, receivers) is an important research area that is attracting much …
obtained from sensors (ie, receivers) is an important research area that is attracting much …
Energy efficient clustering and routing algorithms for wireless sensor networks: Particle swarm optimization approach
Energy efficient clustering and routing are two well known optimization problems which have
been studied widely to extend lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). This paper …
been studied widely to extend lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). This paper …
[HTML][HTML] Overview of wireless sensor network
MA Matin, MM Islam - Wireless sensor networks-technology and …, 2012 - intechopen.com
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can be defined as a self-configured and infrastructure-
less wireless networks to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as …
less wireless networks to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as …
[PDF][PDF] A survey of energy-efficient hierarchical cluster-based routing in wireless sensor networks
-----------------------Recent technological advances in communications and computation have …
-----------------------Recent technological advances in communications and computation have …
Joint mobility and routing for lifetime elongation in wireless sensor networks
Although many energy efficient/conserving routing protocols have been proposed for
wireless sensor networks, the concentration of data traffic towards a small number of base …
wireless sensor networks, the concentration of data traffic towards a small number of base …
A novel differential evolution based clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks
Clustering is an efficient topology control method which balances the traffic load of the
sensor nodes and improves the overall scalability and the life time of the wireless sensor …
sensor nodes and improves the overall scalability and the life time of the wireless sensor …
Global clock synchronization in sensor networks
Global synchronization is important for many sensor network applications that require
precise map** of collected sensor data with the time of the events, for example, in tracking …
precise map** of collected sensor data with the time of the events, for example, in tracking …
Data gathering optimization by dynamic sensing and routing in rechargeable sensor networks
<? Pub Dtl=""?> In rechargeable sensor networks (RSNs), energy harvested by sensors
should be carefully allocated for data sensing and data transmission to optimize data …
should be carefully allocated for data sensing and data transmission to optimize data …
Battery-less zero-maintenance embedded sensing at the mithræum of circus maximus
We present the design and evaluation of a 3.5-year embedded sensing deployment at the
Mithræum of Circus Maximus, a UNESCO-protected underground archaeological site in …
Mithræum of Circus Maximus, a UNESCO-protected underground archaeological site in …