Wildfires and global change
JG Pausas, JE Keeley - Frontiers in Ecology and the …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
No single factor produces wildfires; rather, they occur when fire thresholds (ignitions, fuels,
and drought) are crossed. Anomalous weather events may lower these thresholds and …
and drought) are crossed. Anomalous weather events may lower these thresholds and …
[HTML][HTML] High-severity wildfires in temperate Australian forests have increased in extent and aggregation in recent decades
Wildfires have increased in size and frequency in recent decades in many biomes, but have
they also become more severe? This question remains under-examined despite fire severity …
they also become more severe? This question remains under-examined despite fire severity …
Rainforest expansion reduces understorey plant diversity and density in open forest of eastern Australia
The expansion of rainforest pioneer trees into long‐unburnt open forests has become
increasingly widespread across high rainfall regions of Australia. Increasing tree cover can …
increasingly widespread across high rainfall regions of Australia. Increasing tree cover can …
Short‐term response of threatened small macropods and their predators to prescribed burns in subtropical Australia
Fire is an important ecological process that shapes vegetation structure and habitat for
faunal assemblages globally. Prescribed burns are increasingly being used in conservation …
faunal assemblages globally. Prescribed burns are increasingly being used in conservation …
Invading rain forest pioneers initiate positive fire suppression feedbacks that reinforce shifts from open to closed forest in eastern Australia
AG Baker, C Catterall… - Journal of Vegetation …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Question Suppression of Aboriginal burning and wildfire from forests in which fires
were historically frequent may trigger environmental changes that further suppress fire …
were historically frequent may trigger environmental changes that further suppress fire …
[HTML][HTML] Half a century of demographic responses of Nothofagus cool temperate rainforests to disturbance
Temperate rainforests have historically been considered highly vulnerable to disturbance.
Climate change, which is expected to increase the intensity, frequency, and impacts of …
Climate change, which is expected to increase the intensity, frequency, and impacts of …
Optimising the spatial planning of prescribed burns to achieve multiple objectives in a fire‐dependent ecosystem
There is potential for negative consequences for the ecological integrity of fire‐dependent
ecosystems as a result of inappropriate fire regimes. This can occur when asset (property) …
ecosystems as a result of inappropriate fire regimes. This can occur when asset (property) …
Feeding profitability is associated with Glossy Black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami ssp. lathami) feed tree selection
HM North, RW Lamont, SM Ogbourne… - Emu-Austral …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Habitat modification and destruction are known to be responsible for declines in avian taxa.
Specialist species such as the vulnerable Glossy Black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami …
Specialist species such as the vulnerable Glossy Black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami …
Managing fire‐dependent vegetation in Byron Shire, Australia: Are we restoring the keystone ecological process of fire?
AG Baker, C Catterall - Ecological Management & Restoration, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Fire is a keystone ecological process in many ecosystems. In such ecosystems, the
exclusion of fire can lead to fundamental shifts in vegetation structure, composition and …
exclusion of fire can lead to fundamental shifts in vegetation structure, composition and …
[PDF][PDF] Kangaroo grass is a keystone species for ecological fire management
P Williams, D Kington, E Collins, P Watson - Austral Ecology, 2023 - researchgate.net
Kangaroo grass (Themeda triandra) dominates many grassy ecosystems across Australia
where rainfall exceeds 500 mm per annum, though its abundance has diminished …
where rainfall exceeds 500 mm per annum, though its abundance has diminished …