Card-based design tools: A review and analysis of 155 card decks for designers and designing
R Roy, JP Warren - Design Studies, 2019 - Elsevier
Highlights•Brief history of card decks as design tools.•Comprehensive survey and analysis
of 155 card-based design tools.•Classification of the tools into six categories, eg human …
of 155 card-based design tools.•Classification of the tools into six categories, eg human …
Maximizing the benefits of participatory design for human–robot interaction research with older adults
Objective We reviewed human–robot interaction (HRI) participatory design (PD) research
with older adults. The goal was to identify methods used, determine their value for design of …
with older adults. The goal was to identify methods used, determine their value for design of …
An age-old problem: Examining the discourses of ageing in HCI and strategies for future research
Ageing has become a significant area of interest in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in
recent years. In this article we provide a critical analysis of 30 years of ageing research …
recent years. In this article we provide a critical analysis of 30 years of ageing research …
Configuring participation: on how we involve people in design
The term'participation'is traditionally used in HCI to describe the involvement of users and
stakeholders in design processes, with a pretext of distributing control to participants to …
stakeholders in design processes, with a pretext of distributing control to participants to …
On speculative enactments
Speculative Enactments are a novel approach to speculative design research with
participants. They invite the empirical analysis of participants acting amidst speculative but …
participants. They invite the empirical analysis of participants acting amidst speculative but …
Anti-solutionist strategies: Seriously silly design fiction
Much of the academic and commercial work which seeks to innovate around technology has
been dismissed as" solutionist" because it solves problems that don't exist or ignores the …
been dismissed as" solutionist" because it solves problems that don't exist or ignores the …
Evaluating design fiction: The right tool for the job
Design fiction has become so widely adopted that it regularly appears in contexts ranging
from CEO speeches to dedicated tracks at academic conferences. However, evaluating this …
from CEO speeches to dedicated tracks at academic conferences. However, evaluating this …
The magic machine workshops: making personal design knowledge
New technologies emerge into an increasingly complex everyday life. How can we engage
users further into material practices that explore ideas and notions of these new things? This …
users further into material practices that explore ideas and notions of these new things? This …
Never too old: engaging retired people inventing the future with MaKey MaKey
Within HCI, aging is often viewed in terms of designing assistive technologies to improve the
lives of older people, such as those who are suffering from frailty or memory loss. Our …
lives of older people, such as those who are suffering from frailty or memory loss. Our …
Older adults as digital content producers
Older adults are normally characterized as consumers, rather than producers, of digital
content. Current research concerning the design of technologies for older adults typically …
content. Current research concerning the design of technologies for older adults typically …