Design and testing of a Hardware-in-the-Loop system for a grid integrated Ocean Current Turbine
Renewable energy is an increasingly vital field that continues to evolve with growing
demands for innovative electricity production methods. Among these, Ocean Current …
demands for innovative electricity production methods. Among these, Ocean Current …
Hardware in the loop wind turbine emulator
The paper presents a “hardware in the loop” emulator for a wind turbine system, used to
tune and test in the laboratory the generator and the associate power electronics and …
tune and test in the laboratory the generator and the associate power electronics and …
Modeling and real-time simulation of ocean current turbines for grid integration
The large potential for electricity generation powered by ocean currents has gained attention
as a viable renewable energy source that can be harnessed by ocean current turbines …
as a viable renewable energy source that can be harnessed by ocean current turbines …
Real-Time Co-Simulation and Grid Integration of PMSG-Based Hydrokinetic Energy Conversion Systems via Power-Hardware-in-the-Loop Technics
Ocean energy sources are a promising source of energy. However, simulating a
hydrokinetic farm with multiple units requires significant computational resources, while …
hydrokinetic farm with multiple units requires significant computational resources, while …
Mixed PV-wind small power microgrid
The paper presents a microgrid structure, based on wind and photovoltaic (PV) renewable
energies inputs, implemented in a dedicated configurable microgrid laboratory. The wind …
energies inputs, implemented in a dedicated configurable microgrid laboratory. The wind …
Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation of Ocean Current Turbines for Grid Integration
S Fung, C Nichols, E Weinberg, Y Tang… - 2024 IEEE Power & …, 2024 -
The escalating interest in renewable energy sources has spurred a demand for innovative
approaches to electricity generation. Notably, marine hydrokinetic turbines have emerged as …
approaches to electricity generation. Notably, marine hydrokinetic turbines have emerged as …
[KNYGA][B] Contribuții la dezvoltarea unor structuri de sisteme pentru conversia energiei eoliene în energie electrică
R Boraci - 2015 -
În cadrul acestei lucrări sunt abordate problematici specifice domeniului resurselor eoliene.
După o succintă trecere în revistă a stadiului actual privind tehnologiile utilizate în domeniu …
După o succintă trecere în revistă a stadiului actual privind tehnologiile utilizate în domeniu …
[PDF][PDF] Wind Turbine Emulator Development Using Labview FPGA
M Topor - International Journal, 2015 -
The paper presents a Hardware in the Loop (HIL) emulator for a wind turbine system,
developed for the laboratory testing of a PMSM generator and the associate power …
developed for the laboratory testing of a PMSM generator and the associate power …
[PDF][PDF] Wind Turbine Emulator Development using NI cRIO 9068 and ABB ACS 800 Drive
The paper presents a Hardware in the Loop (HIL) emulator for a wind turbine system,
developed for the testing in the microgrid laboratory of a PMSM generator and the associate …
developed for the testing in the microgrid laboratory of a PMSM generator and the associate …
Cercetări privind modelarea, identificarea și conducerea sistemelor de conversie a energiilor regenerabile
CL Raț, O Proștean - 2022 -
Această teză tratează modelarea, identificarea și conducerea sistemelor de conversie a
energiei din surse regenerabile în energie electrică. Sistemele abordate sunt agregatele …
energiei din surse regenerabile în energie electrică. Sistemele abordate sunt agregatele …