Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and hyperkinetic disorder
SEMINAR that have resulted in different interpretations of a core deficit, but in the context of
a general theory of attention these differences maybe primarily semantic. 11 The ratio of …
a general theory of attention these differences maybe primarily semantic. 11 The ratio of …
Looking ahead in pervasive computing: Challenges and opportunities in the era of cyber–physical convergence
The physical environment is becoming more and more saturated with computing and
communication entities that interact among themselves, as well as with users: virtually …
communication entities that interact among themselves, as well as with users: virtually …
[ספר][B] Networks, crowds, and markets: Reasoning about a highly connected world
D Easley, J Kleinberg - 2010 - academic.oup.com
The moment when the hyperconnectedness of our world became most evident to me was on
October 20th, 2011, when images of the death of Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi, the former …
October 20th, 2011, when images of the death of Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi, the former …
[ספר][B] The digital scholar: How technology is transforming scholarly practice
M Weller - 2011 - library.oapen.org
This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme
and is available on www. bloomsburycollections. com. While industries such as music …
and is available on www. bloomsburycollections. com. While industries such as music …
From networked nominee to networked nation: Examining the impact of Web 2.0 and social media on political participation and civic engagement in the 2008 Obama …
This article explores the uses of Web 2.0 and social media by the 2008 Obama presidential
campaign and asks three primary questions:(1) What techniques allowed the Obama …
campaign and asks three primary questions:(1) What techniques allowed the Obama …
Cross-system user modeling and personalization on the social web
In order to adapt functionality to their individual users, systems need information about these
users. The Social Web provides opportunities to gather user data from outside the system …
users. The Social Web provides opportunities to gather user data from outside the system …
User evaluation of websites: From first impression to recommendation
Content, usability and aesthetics are core constructs in users' perception and evaluation of
websites, but little is known about their interplay in different use phases. In a first study, web …
websites, but little is known about their interplay in different use phases. In a first study, web …
[PDF][PDF] Consumer characteristics, social influence, and system factors on online group-buying repurchasing intention
Online group buying (OGB) has recently captured the attention of academic researchers.
Because of the lack of an integrated perspective of external variables in the technology …
Because of the lack of an integrated perspective of external variables in the technology …
[ספר][B] The new ABCs of research: Achieving breakthrough collaborations
B Shneiderman - 2016 - books.google.com
The problems we face in the 21st century require innovative thinking from all of us. Be it
students, academics, business researchers of government policy makers. Hopes for …
students, academics, business researchers of government policy makers. Hopes for …
The history of digital spam
The history of digital spam Page 1 82 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM | AUGUST 2019 |
VOL. 62 | NO. 8 review articles SPAM! THAT’S WHAT Lorrie Faith Cranor and Brian …
VOL. 62 | NO. 8 review articles SPAM! THAT’S WHAT Lorrie Faith Cranor and Brian …