Incorporating bias-aware margins into contrastive loss for collaborative filtering
Collaborative filtering (CF) models easily suffer from popularity bias, which makes
recommendation deviate from users' actual preferences. However, most current debiasing …
recommendation deviate from users' actual preferences. However, most current debiasing …
[HTML][HTML] Investigating gender fairness of recommendation algorithms in the music domain
Although recommender systems (RSs) play a crucial role in our society, previous studies
have revealed that the performance of RSs may considerably differ between groups of …
have revealed that the performance of RSs may considerably differ between groups of …
Elliot: A comprehensive and rigorous framework for reproducible recommender systems evaluation
Recommender Systems have shown to be an effective way to alleviate the over-choice
problem and provide accurate and tailored recommendations. However, the impressive …
problem and provide accurate and tailored recommendations. However, the impressive …
Invariant collaborative filtering to popularity distribution shift
Collaborative Filtering (CF) models, despite their great success, suffer from severe
performance drops due to popularity distribution shifts, where these changes are ubiquitous …
performance drops due to popularity distribution shifts, where these changes are ubiquitous …
A Revisiting Study of Appropriate Offline Evaluation for Top-N Recommendation Algorithms
In recommender systems, top-N recommendation is an important task with implicit feedback
data. Although the recent success of deep learning largely pushes forward the research on …
data. Although the recent success of deep learning largely pushes forward the research on …
Offline recommender system evaluation: Challenges and new directions
Offline evaluation is an essential complement to online experiments in the selection,
improvement, tuning, and deployment of recommender systems. Offline methodologies for …
improvement, tuning, and deployment of recommender systems. Offline methodologies for …
Federated recommender system based on diffusion augmentation and guided denoising
Sequential recommender systems often struggle with accurate personalized
recommendations due to data sparsity issues. Existing works use variational autoencoders …
recommendations due to data sparsity issues. Existing works use variational autoencoders …
Recommendation systems: An insight into current development and future research challenges
Research on recommendation systems is swiftly producing an abundance of novel methods,
constantly challenging the current state-of-the-art. Inspired by advancements in many …
constantly challenging the current state-of-the-art. Inspired by advancements in many …
Unlearning protected user attributes in recommendations with adversarial training
Collaborative filtering algorithms capture underlying consumption patterns, including the
ones specific to particular demographics or protected information of users, eg, gender, race …
ones specific to particular demographics or protected information of users, eg, gender, race …
A critical study on data leakage in recommender system offline evaluation
Recommender models are hard to evaluate, particularly under offline setting. In this article,
we provide a comprehensive and critical analysis of the data leakage issue in recommender …
we provide a comprehensive and critical analysis of the data leakage issue in recommender …