Living with wildlife: a review of advances in social-ecological analysis across landscapes
Context An exciting research frontier is the intersection of wildlife ecology and social
science. Associated research is embracing a spatial approach to integrating ecological and …
science. Associated research is embracing a spatial approach to integrating ecological and …
Toward improved impact evaluation of community forest management in Indonesia
Many tropical countries continue to devolve forest management to forest‐dwelling
communities. The assumption is that local knowledge of forests and community engagement …
communities. The assumption is that local knowledge of forests and community engagement …
Circuitscape in Julia: empowering dynamic approaches to connectivity assessment
The conservation field is experiencing a rapid increase in the amount, variety, and quality of
spatial data that can help us understand species movement and landscape connectivity …
spatial data that can help us understand species movement and landscape connectivity …
Addressing inequality and intolerance in human–wildlife coexistence
Millennia of human conflict with wildlife have built a culture of intolerance toward wildlife
among some stakeholders. We explored 2 key obstacles to improved human–wildlife …
among some stakeholders. We explored 2 key obstacles to improved human–wildlife …
Anthropogenic resistance: Accounting for human behavior in wildlife connectivity planning
Maintaining or restoring connectivity among wildlife populations is a primary strategy to
overcome the negative impacts of habitat fragmentation. Yet, current connectivity planning …
overcome the negative impacts of habitat fragmentation. Yet, current connectivity planning …
Landscape of fear and human-predator coexistence: Applying spatial predator-prey interaction theory to understand and reduce carnivore-livestock conflict
In recent decades the 'landscape of fear'has grown in popularity to become a central
consideration in wildlife management, and has even been reconceptualized as the …
consideration in wildlife management, and has even been reconceptualized as the …
Carnivores and their prey in Sumatra: Occupancy and activity in human-dominated forests
Understanding the effect of anthropogenic disturbance, and its interaction with carnivores
and their prey, is crucial to support the conservation of threatened carnivores, particularly in …
and their prey, is crucial to support the conservation of threatened carnivores, particularly in …
Four common problems in environmental social research undertaken by natural scientists
Why do natural scientists continue to conduct and review environmental social science
research without training and experience in the social sciences? Perhaps they have come to …
research without training and experience in the social sciences? Perhaps they have come to …
Understanding and managing human tolerance for a large carnivore in a residential system
Human tolerance for interactions with large carnivores is an important determinant of their
persistence on the landscape, yet the relative importance of factors affecting tolerance is not …
persistence on the landscape, yet the relative importance of factors affecting tolerance is not …
Human dimensions of grizzly bear conservation: The social factors underlying satisfaction and coexistence beliefs in Montana, USA
Coexistence between large carnivores and humans is a global conservation concern.
Montana (USA) is home to recovering grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) populations and increasing …
Montana (USA) is home to recovering grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) populations and increasing …