Defect identification in semiconductors with positron annihilation:<? format?> Experiment and theory
Positron annihilation spectroscopy is particularly suitable for studying vacancy-type
defects<? format?> in semiconductors. Combining state-of-the-art experimental and …
defects<? format?> in semiconductors. Combining state-of-the-art experimental and …
Effects of electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions on the one-electron states of solids
L Hedin, S Lundqvist - Solid state physics, 1970 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses two major developments that have taken place
over the past decade. First is the enormous wealth of energy band calculations that have …
over the past decade. First is the enormous wealth of energy band calculations that have …
Positron studies of condensed matter
RN West - Advances in Physics, 1973 - Taylor & Francis
This review is concerned with the utilization of the positron-electron annihilation
phenomenon in studies of the physics of condensed matter. A preliminary chapter outlines …
phenomenon in studies of the physics of condensed matter. A preliminary chapter outlines …
Positron lifetimes in metals
H Weisberg, S Berko - Physical Review, 1967 - APS
Positron decay curves in various metals have been measured, using careful sample
preparation techniques and a delayed-coincidence system with 0.30-nsec (full width at half …
preparation techniques and a delayed-coincidence system with 0.30-nsec (full width at half …
Compton scattering and electron momentum distributions
M Cooper - Advances in Physics, 1971 - Taylor & Francis
The recent development of the technique of inelastic x-ray scattering to study the electron
momentum distribution in the scatterer is surveyed. The simple relationship between the …
momentum distribution in the scatterer is surveyed. The simple relationship between the …
Quantum Monte Carlo study of a positron in an electron gas
Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of the relaxation energy, pair-correlation function, and
annihilating-pair momentum density are presented for a positron immersed in a …
annihilating-pair momentum density are presented for a positron immersed in a …
Electrodynamics of a semiclassical free-electron gas
MG Calkin, PJ Nicholson - Reviews of Modern Physics, 1967 - APS
This article presents a simplified treatment of the high density, collisionless, free-electron
gas, based on the ideas of a wave number and frequency-dependent conductivity and …
gas, based on the ideas of a wave number and frequency-dependent conductivity and …
Calculation of valence electron momentum densities using the projector augmented-wave method
We present valence electron Compton profiles calculated within the density-functional
theory using the all-electron full-potential projector augmented-wave method (PAW). Our …
theory using the all-electron full-potential projector augmented-wave method (PAW). Our …
On the kinetic theory of a van der Waals gas
L Sobrino - Canadian Journal of Physics, 1967 - cdnsciencepub.com
A kinetic equation is proposed that leads, in equilibrium, to the Van der Waals equation of
state. It is shown that this kinetic equation obeys an H theorem, and that its equilibrium …
state. It is shown that this kinetic equation obeys an H theorem, and that its equilibrium …
Angular correlation in positron annihilation
J Arponen, E Pajanne - Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics, 1979 - iopscience.iop.org
The angular correlation of the two gamma quanta emitted when a thermalised positron
annihilates with metallic conduction electrons is investigated by applying the newly …
annihilates with metallic conduction electrons is investigated by applying the newly …