Superconductivity in nickel-based 112 systems
Superconductivity has been discovered recently in infinite-layer nickel-based 112 thin films
R 1− x A x NiO 2 (R= La, Nd, Pr and A= Sr, Ca). They are isostructural to the infinite-layer …
R 1− x A x NiO 2 (R= La, Nd, Pr and A= Sr, Ca). They are isostructural to the infinite-layer …
Metal-insulator transitions
Metal-insulator transitions are accompanied by huge resistivity changes, even over tens of
orders of magnitude, and are widely observed in condensed-matter systems. This article …
orders of magnitude, and are widely observed in condensed-matter systems. This article …
First-principles calculations of the electronic structure and spectra of strongly correlated systems: the LDA+ U method
VI Anisimov, F Aryasetiawan… - Journal of Physics …, 1997 - iopscience.iop.org
A generalization of the local density approximation (LDA) method for systems with strong
Coulomb correlations is described which gives a correct description of the Mott insulators …
Coulomb correlations is described which gives a correct description of the Mott insulators …
Do** a Mott insulator: Physics of high-temperature superconductivity
This article reviews the physics of high-temperature superconductors from the point of view
of the do** of a Mott insulator. The basic electronic structure of cuprates is reviewed …
of the do** of a Mott insulator. The basic electronic structure of cuprates is reviewed …
Quantum algorithms to simulate many-body physics of correlated fermions
Simulating strongly correlated fermionic systems is notoriously hard on classical computers.
An alternative approach, as proposed by Feynman, is to use a quantum computer. We …
An alternative approach, as proposed by Feynman, is to use a quantum computer. We …
Progress and perspectives on electron-doped cuprates
Although the vast majority of high-T c cuprate superconductors are hole-doped, a small
family of electron-doped compounds exists. Underinvestigated until recently, there has been …
family of electron-doped compounds exists. Underinvestigated until recently, there has been …
Effective Hamiltonian for nickelate oxides
H Zhang, L **, S Wang, B ** cases based on the view that it is realized in …
First-principles investigation of ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity in bismuth manganite
We present results of local spin density approximation (LSDA) pseudopotential calculations
for the perovskite structure oxide, bismuth manganite (BiMnO 3). The origin of the …
for the perovskite structure oxide, bismuth manganite (BiMnO 3). The origin of the …