Superconductivity in nickel-based 112 systems

Q Gu, HH Wen - The Innovation, 2022 -
Superconductivity has been discovered recently in infinite-layer nickel-based 112 thin films
R 1− x A x NiO 2 (R= La, Nd, Pr and A= Sr, Ca). They are isostructural to the infinite-layer …

Metal-insulator transitions

M Imada, A Fujimori, Y Tokura - Reviews of modern physics, 1998 - APS
Metal-insulator transitions are accompanied by huge resistivity changes, even over tens of
orders of magnitude, and are widely observed in condensed-matter systems. This article …

First-principles calculations of the electronic structure and spectra of strongly correlated systems: the LDA+ U method

VI Anisimov, F Aryasetiawan… - Journal of Physics …, 1997 -
A generalization of the local density approximation (LDA) method for systems with strong
Coulomb correlations is described which gives a correct description of the Mott insulators …

Do** a Mott insulator: Physics of high-temperature superconductivity

PA Lee, N Nagaosa, XG Wen - Reviews of modern physics, 2006 - APS
This article reviews the physics of high-temperature superconductors from the point of view
of the do** of a Mott insulator. The basic electronic structure of cuprates is reviewed …

Quantum algorithms to simulate many-body physics of correlated fermions

Z Jiang, KJ Sung, K Kechedzhi, VN Smelyanskiy… - Physical Review …, 2018 - APS
Simulating strongly correlated fermionic systems is notoriously hard on classical computers.
An alternative approach, as proposed by Feynman, is to use a quantum computer. We …

Progress and perspectives on electron-doped cuprates

NP Armitage, P Fournier, RL Greene - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2010 - APS
Although the vast majority of high-T c cuprate superconductors are hole-doped, a small
family of electron-doped compounds exists. Underinvestigated until recently, there has been …

First-principles investigation of ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity in bismuth manganite

NA Hill, KM Rabe - Physical Review B, 1999 - APS
We present results of local spin density approximation (LSDA) pseudopotential calculations
for the perovskite structure oxide, bismuth manganite (BiMnO 3). The origin of the …