Nonlinear photonic waveguides: a versatile platform for terahertz radiation generation (a review)
Continued development in the areas of communication, security, medicine, and safety is
calling for terahertz‐wave technologies to evolve beyond laboratory research and into the …
calling for terahertz‐wave technologies to evolve beyond laboratory research and into the …
Widely-tunable vortex output from a singly resonant optical parametric oscillator
We demonstrated a widely tunable 1-μm optical vortex laser formed from a 0.532-μm optical
vortex pumpedoptical parametric oscillator with a singly-resonant cavity configuration …
vortex pumpedoptical parametric oscillator with a singly-resonant cavity configuration …
Experimental Realization of High Transmittance THz 90-Bend Waveguide Using EMXT Structure
We present a high efficiency terahertz (THz) 90°-bend electromagnetic crystal (EMXT)
waveguide using Si-based microelectromechanical systems technology. The 2-D EMXT …
waveguide using Si-based microelectromechanical systems technology. The 2-D EMXT …
Proposal for efficient terahertz-wave difference frequency generation in an AlGaAs photonic crystal waveguide
We design an AlGaAs-based terahertz photonic crystal waveguide (PCW) to achieve
terahertz-wave difference frequency generation (DFG) from near-infrared light sources. The …
terahertz-wave difference frequency generation (DFG) from near-infrared light sources. The …
Terahertz waveguide emitters in photonic<? A3B2 show [pmg: line-break justify=" yes"/]?> crystal fiber form
Y Li, X Hu, F Liu, J Li, Q **ng, M Hu, C Lu… - Journal of the Optical …, 2012 - opg.optica.org
The phase-matching condition for broadband terahertz (THz) wave generation based on
optical rectification requires that the group velocity of the optical pump beam be equal to the …
optical rectification requires that the group velocity of the optical pump beam be equal to the …
Nonlinear materials for preparation of entangled states of light
IL Vinogradova, AR Gizatulin… - Optical …, 2022 - spiedigitallibrary.org
In this paper we present a brief analysis of existing materials and structures with quadratic-
nonlinear optical properties that can be used to generate a difference frequency in both THz …
nonlinear optical properties that can be used to generate a difference frequency in both THz …
Terahertz band propagation characteristics of coupling multiconductor transmission lines in multilayer media
X Wang, D Zhang, J Zhu - IEEE Access, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The study on terahertz radiators will not only boost the development of theoretical research,
but also raise severe challenges to solid-state electronics and circuit technology. In the …
but also raise severe challenges to solid-state electronics and circuit technology. In the …
[PDF][PDF] 差频可调谐太赫兹技术的新进展
柴路, 牛跃, 栗岩锋, 胡明列, 王清月 - 物理学报, 2016 - researchgate.net
太赫兹技术在最**30 年来得到快速发展, 并在医学, 生物, 农业, 材料, 安检, 通信,
天文等领域得到广泛应用. 从太赫兹源的频谱特性可以分为窄带(单频) 太赫兹源和宽带太赫兹源 …
天文等领域得到广泛应用. 从太赫兹源的频谱特性可以分为窄带(单频) 太赫兹源和宽带太赫兹源 …
[HTML][HTML] A nonlinear radio-photon conversion device
IL Vinogradova, AR Gizatulin, IK Meshkov… - Photonics, 2022 - mdpi.com
The article analyzes existing materials and structures with quadratic-nonlinear optical
properties that can be used to generate a difference frequency in the terahertz and sub …
properties that can be used to generate a difference frequency in the terahertz and sub …
Exploiting second-order nonlinear phenomena for the generation and detection of coherent terahertz electric fields
BN Carnio - 2022 - era.library.ualberta.ca
This thesis explores terahertz radiation sources and detectors, where the driving physical
mechanism for generation and detection is second-order nonlinear phenomena. The heart …
mechanism for generation and detection is second-order nonlinear phenomena. The heart …