[HTML][HTML] Towards multiscale X-ray tomographic imaging in membrane science—a perspective

G Rudolph-Schöp**, E Larsson, TN **el… - Journal of Membrane …, 2024 - Elsevier
Tomographic X-ray imaging techniques offer novel opportunities for studying membranes
and membrane processes in 3D on a spatial resolution not seen before. Traditional 2D …

[HTML][HTML] A review of experimentally informed micromechanical modeling of nanoporous metals: from structural descriptors to predictive structure–property relationships

C Richert, N Huber - Materials, 2020 - mdpi.com
Nanoporous metals made by dealloying take the form of macroscopic (mm-or cm-sized)
porous bodies with a solid fraction of around 30%. The material exhibits a network structure …

Pushing the temporal resolution in absorption and Zernike phase contrast nanotomography: enabling fast in situ experiments

S Flenner, M Storm, A Kubec, E Longo… - Synchrotron …, 2020 - journals.iucr.org
Hard X-ray nanotomography enables 3D investigations of a wide range of samples with high
resolution (< 100 nm) with both synchrotron-based and laboratory-based setups. However …

[HTML][HTML] Full-field hard X-ray nano-tomography at SSRF

F Tao, J Wang, G Du, B Su, L Zhang, C Hou… - Synchrotron …, 2023 - journals.iucr.org
An in-house designed transmission X-ray microscopy (TXM) instrument has been developed
and commissioned at beamline BL18B of the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility …

[HTML][HTML] Quantification of structures in freeze-dried materials using X-ray microtomography

SB Palmkron, B Bergenståhl, S Håkansson… - Colloids and Surfaces A …, 2023 - Elsevier
The structure of a freeze-dried material is essential for its ability to preserve and protect
biologics such as proteins, cells and other sensitive structures. The structure of a typical …

Slice thickness optimization for the focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy 3D tomography of hierarchical nanoporous gold

A Shkurmanov, T Krekeler, M Ritter - Nanomanufacturing and metrology, 2022 - Springer
The combination of focused ion beam (FIB) with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), also
known as FIB-SEM tomography, has become a powerful 3D imaging technique at the …

[HTML][HTML] A versatile nanoreactor for complementary in situ X-ray and electron microscopy studies in catalysis and materials science

Y Fam, TL Sheppard, J Becher… - Synchrotron …, 2019 - journals.iucr.org
Two in situnanoreactors' for high-resolution imaging of catalysts have been designed and
applied at the hard X-ray nanoprobe endstation at beamline P06 of the PETRA III …

[HTML][HTML] TomoPyUI: a user-friendly tool for rapid tomography alignment and reconstruction

SS Welborn, MB Preefer, J Nelson Weker - Synchrotron Radiation, 2024 - journals.iucr.org
The management and processing of synchrotron and neutron computed tomography data
can be a complex, labor-intensive and unstructured process. Users devote substantial time …

Map** the pore architecture of structured catalyst monoliths from nanometer to centimeter scale with electron and X-ray tomographies

J Becher, TL Sheppard, Y Fam, S Baier… - The Journal of …, 2019 - ACS Publications
The hierarchical pore systems of Pt/Al2O3 exhaust gas aftertreatment catalysts were
analyzed with a collection of correlative imaging techniques to monitor changes induced by …

Simulated annealing framework for generating representative volume elements of materials with complex ligamentous microstructures

ID Kermani, L Dyckhoff, RC Aydin, N Huber… - Computational Materials …, 2023 - Elsevier
At the microscale, various materials from biological tissues to nanoporous metals are formed
by networks of ligaments. Here we propose a highly efficient simulated annealing (SA) …