[HTML][HTML] Towards multiscale X-ray tomographic imaging in membrane science—a perspective
G Rudolph-Schöp**, E Larsson, TN **el… - Journal of Membrane …, 2024 - Elsevier
Tomographic X-ray imaging techniques offer novel opportunities for studying membranes
and membrane processes in 3D on a spatial resolution not seen before. Traditional 2D …
and membrane processes in 3D on a spatial resolution not seen before. Traditional 2D …
[HTML][HTML] A review of experimentally informed micromechanical modeling of nanoporous metals: from structural descriptors to predictive structure–property relationships
C Richert, N Huber - Materials, 2020 - mdpi.com
Nanoporous metals made by dealloying take the form of macroscopic (mm-or cm-sized)
porous bodies with a solid fraction of around 30%. The material exhibits a network structure …
porous bodies with a solid fraction of around 30%. The material exhibits a network structure …
Pushing the temporal resolution in absorption and Zernike phase contrast nanotomography: enabling fast in situ experiments
S Flenner, M Storm, A Kubec, E Longo… - Synchrotron …, 2020 - journals.iucr.org
Hard X-ray nanotomography enables 3D investigations of a wide range of samples with high
resolution (< 100 nm) with both synchrotron-based and laboratory-based setups. However …
resolution (< 100 nm) with both synchrotron-based and laboratory-based setups. However …
[HTML][HTML] Full-field hard X-ray nano-tomography at SSRF
F Tao, J Wang, G Du, B Su, L Zhang, C Hou… - Synchrotron …, 2023 - journals.iucr.org
An in-house designed transmission X-ray microscopy (TXM) instrument has been developed
and commissioned at beamline BL18B of the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility …
and commissioned at beamline BL18B of the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility …
[HTML][HTML] Quantification of structures in freeze-dried materials using X-ray microtomography
The structure of a freeze-dried material is essential for its ability to preserve and protect
biologics such as proteins, cells and other sensitive structures. The structure of a typical …
biologics such as proteins, cells and other sensitive structures. The structure of a typical …
Slice thickness optimization for the focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy 3D tomography of hierarchical nanoporous gold
The combination of focused ion beam (FIB) with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), also
known as FIB-SEM tomography, has become a powerful 3D imaging technique at the …
known as FIB-SEM tomography, has become a powerful 3D imaging technique at the …
[HTML][HTML] A versatile nanoreactor for complementary in situ X-ray and electron microscopy studies in catalysis and materials science
Two in situnanoreactors' for high-resolution imaging of catalysts have been designed and
applied at the hard X-ray nanoprobe endstation at beamline P06 of the PETRA III …
applied at the hard X-ray nanoprobe endstation at beamline P06 of the PETRA III …
[HTML][HTML] TomoPyUI: a user-friendly tool for rapid tomography alignment and reconstruction
The management and processing of synchrotron and neutron computed tomography data
can be a complex, labor-intensive and unstructured process. Users devote substantial time …
can be a complex, labor-intensive and unstructured process. Users devote substantial time …
Map** the pore architecture of structured catalyst monoliths from nanometer to centimeter scale with electron and X-ray tomographies
The hierarchical pore systems of Pt/Al2O3 exhaust gas aftertreatment catalysts were
analyzed with a collection of correlative imaging techniques to monitor changes induced by …
analyzed with a collection of correlative imaging techniques to monitor changes induced by …
Simulated annealing framework for generating representative volume elements of materials with complex ligamentous microstructures
At the microscale, various materials from biological tissues to nanoporous metals are formed
by networks of ligaments. Here we propose a highly efficient simulated annealing (SA) …
by networks of ligaments. Here we propose a highly efficient simulated annealing (SA) …