Socio-economic impacts on flooding: A 4000-year history of the Yellow River, China
We analyze 4000-year flood history of the lower Yellow River and the history of agricultural
development in the middle river by investigating historical writings and quantitative time …
development in the middle river by investigating historical writings and quantitative time …
Dynamics of river mouth deposits
Bars and subaqueous levees often form at river mouths due to high sediment availability.
Once these deposits emerge and develop into islands, they become important elements of …
Once these deposits emerge and develop into islands, they become important elements of …
Shredding of environmental signals by sediment transport
Landscapes respond to climate, tectonic motions and sea level, but this response is
mediated by sediment transport. Understanding transmission of environmental signals is …
mediated by sediment transport. Understanding transmission of environmental signals is …
Reprint of: Large-scale dam removal on the Elwha River, Washington, USA: River channel and floodplain geomorphic change
A substantial increase in fluvial sediment supply relative to transport capacity causes
complex, large-magnitude changes in river and floodplain morphology downstream …
complex, large-magnitude changes in river and floodplain morphology downstream …
Buffered, incomplete, and shredded: The challenges of reading an imperfect stratigraphic record
Climate, tectonics, and life influence the flux and caliber of sediment transported across
Earth's surface. These environmental conditions can leave behind imprints in the Earth's …
Earth's surface. These environmental conditions can leave behind imprints in the Earth's …
Autogenic sedimentation in clastic stratigraphy
Internally generated, or autogenic, terrestrial and marine sediment-transport dynamics can
produce depositional patterns similar to those associated with climatic, tectonic, or sea level …
produce depositional patterns similar to those associated with climatic, tectonic, or sea level …
Compensational stacking of channelized sedimentary deposits
Compensational stacking, the tendency for sediment transport systems to preferentially fill
topographic lows through deposition, is a concept widely used in the interpretation of the …
topographic lows through deposition, is a concept widely used in the interpretation of the …
Simplified process modeling of river avulsion and alluvial architecture: Connecting models and field data
Modeling is an invaluable tool for studying sedimentary basin filling and for understanding
depositional processes with long recurrence intervals, including channel avulsion …
depositional processes with long recurrence intervals, including channel avulsion …
Fluvial geomorphic elements in modern sedimentary basins and their potential preservation in the rock record: a review
Since tectonic subsidence in sedimentary basins provides the potential for long-term facies
preservation into the sedimentary record, analysis of geomorphic elements in modern …
preservation into the sedimentary record, analysis of geomorphic elements in modern …
Avulsions and the spatio-temporal evolution of debris-flow fans
Debris flows are water-laden masses of sediment that move rapidly through channel
networks and over alluvial fans, where they can devastate people and property. Episodic …
networks and over alluvial fans, where they can devastate people and property. Episodic …