Introduction: Identity, transdisciplinarity, and the good language teacher

PI De Costa, B Norton - The modern language journal, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
What constitutes a “good teacher” and “good teaching” has come under much scrutiny in an
age of globalization, transnationalism, and increased demands for accountability. It is …

[書籍][B] Teaching and learning pragmatics: Where language and culture meet

N Ishihara, AD Cohen - 2014 -
An understanding of sociocultural context is crucial in second language learning–yet
develo** this awareness often poses a real challenge to the typical language learner. This …

Narrative frames for investigating the experiences of language teachers

G Barkhuizen, R Wette - System, 2008 - Elsevier
Narrative inquiry in language teacher education aims to understand the experiences of
teachers in the particular contexts in which they teach. This article reports on the use of …

Classroom interaction and language teacher education

O Sert - The Routledge handbook of English language teacher …, 2019 -
Language teachers perform constant multi-tasking in L2 classrooms while they are teaching.
They manage materials, behaviours, content, discourse, and organise and co-construct …

Gesture studies and second language acquisition: a review

G Stam, SG McCafferty - Gesture, 2009 -
Although this volume focuses primarily on gesture, it is important to acknowledge that
gesture is a part of nonverbal communication as a whole and has been studied as such (see …

[書籍][B] First language use in second and foreign language learning

M Turnbull, J Dailey-O'Cain - 2009 -
This book focuses on the use of the L1 in communicative or immersion-type classrooms.
Through the intersection of theory, practice, curriculum and policy, the book calls for a …

[書籍][B] The reflexive teacher educator in TESOL: Roots and wings

J Edge - 2011 -
In this book Julian Edge explores the construct of reflexivity in teacher education,
differentiating it from, while locating it in, reflective practice. Reflexivity is the key concept …

Conversation analysis and language classroom discourse

T Huth - Language and Linguistics Compass, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Language classrooms are educational settings in which face‐to‐face talk is viewed
as the pivotal factor driving its major functions and goals. Conversation analysis (CA) has …

A comparative analysis of pre-and in-service teacher beliefs about readiness and self-competency: Revisiting teacher education for ELLs

N Polat - System, 2010 - Elsevier
This study addresses differences between pre-and in-service teacher beliefs about
readiness and self-competency in hel** English language learners'(ELL) language and …

Teacher reflection and its relation to teacher efficacy and autonomy

S Noormohammadi - Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014 - Elsevier
Teacher reflection is the process of examining beliefs, goals, and practices to improve
student learning. Present study has tried to come upon the relationship between teacher …