Introduction: Identity, transdisciplinarity, and the good language teacher
What constitutes a “good teacher” and “good teaching” has come under much scrutiny in an
age of globalization, transnationalism, and increased demands for accountability. It is …
age of globalization, transnationalism, and increased demands for accountability. It is …
[書籍][B] Teaching and learning pragmatics: Where language and culture meet
N Ishihara, AD Cohen - 2014 - api.taylorfrancis.com
An understanding of sociocultural context is crucial in second language learning–yet
develo** this awareness often poses a real challenge to the typical language learner. This …
develo** this awareness often poses a real challenge to the typical language learner. This …
Narrative frames for investigating the experiences of language teachers
Narrative inquiry in language teacher education aims to understand the experiences of
teachers in the particular contexts in which they teach. This article reports on the use of …
teachers in the particular contexts in which they teach. This article reports on the use of …
Classroom interaction and language teacher education
O Sert - The Routledge handbook of English language teacher …, 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Language teachers perform constant multi-tasking in L2 classrooms while they are teaching.
They manage materials, behaviours, content, discourse, and organise and co-construct …
They manage materials, behaviours, content, discourse, and organise and co-construct …
Gesture studies and second language acquisition: a review
Although this volume focuses primarily on gesture, it is important to acknowledge that
gesture is a part of nonverbal communication as a whole and has been studied as such (see …
gesture is a part of nonverbal communication as a whole and has been studied as such (see …
[書籍][B] First language use in second and foreign language learning
M Turnbull, J Dailey-O'Cain - 2009 - degruyter.com
This book focuses on the use of the L1 in communicative or immersion-type classrooms.
Through the intersection of theory, practice, curriculum and policy, the book calls for a …
Through the intersection of theory, practice, curriculum and policy, the book calls for a …
[書籍][B] The reflexive teacher educator in TESOL: Roots and wings
J Edge - 2011 - api.taylorfrancis.com
In this book Julian Edge explores the construct of reflexivity in teacher education,
differentiating it from, while locating it in, reflective practice. Reflexivity is the key concept …
differentiating it from, while locating it in, reflective practice. Reflexivity is the key concept …
Conversation analysis and language classroom discourse
T Huth - Language and Linguistics Compass, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Language classrooms are educational settings in which face‐to‐face talk is viewed
as the pivotal factor driving its major functions and goals. Conversation analysis (CA) has …
as the pivotal factor driving its major functions and goals. Conversation analysis (CA) has …
A comparative analysis of pre-and in-service teacher beliefs about readiness and self-competency: Revisiting teacher education for ELLs
N Polat - System, 2010 - Elsevier
This study addresses differences between pre-and in-service teacher beliefs about
readiness and self-competency in hel** English language learners'(ELL) language and …
readiness and self-competency in hel** English language learners'(ELL) language and …
Teacher reflection and its relation to teacher efficacy and autonomy
S Noormohammadi - Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014 - Elsevier
Teacher reflection is the process of examining beliefs, goals, and practices to improve
student learning. Present study has tried to come upon the relationship between teacher …
student learning. Present study has tried to come upon the relationship between teacher …