A numerical study of granular shear flows of rod-like particles using the discrete element method
The effect of particle aspect ratio and surface geometry on granular flows is assessed by
performing numerical simulations of rod-like particles in simple shear flows using the …
performing numerical simulations of rod-like particles in simple shear flows using the …
A two‐phase SPH model for debris flow propagation
M Pastor, A Yague, MM Stickle… - … Journal for Numerical …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
This paper presents a model which can be used for fast landslides where coupling between
solid and pore fluid plays a fundamental role. The proposed model is able to describe debris …
solid and pore fluid plays a fundamental role. The proposed model is able to describe debris …
Depth-averaged analytic solutions for free-surface granular flows impacting rigid walls down inclines
T Faug - Physical Review E, 2015 - APS
In the present paper, flows of granular materials impacting wall-like obstacles down inclines
are described by depth-averaged analytic solutions. Particular attention is paid to extending …
are described by depth-averaged analytic solutions. Particular attention is paid to extending …
Granular shear flows of flat disks and elongated rods without and with friction
Granular shear flows of flat disks and elongated rods are simulated using the Discrete
Element Method. The effects of particle shape, interparticle friction, coefficient of restitution …
Element Method. The effects of particle shape, interparticle friction, coefficient of restitution …
Dense granular flow rheology in turbulent bedload transport
R Maurin, J Chauchat, P Frey - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2016 - cambridge.org
The local granular rheology is investigated numerically in turbulent bedload transport.
Considering spherical particles, steady uniform configurations are simulated using a …
Considering spherical particles, steady uniform configurations are simulated using a …
The role of gravity or pressure and contact stiffness in granular rheology
The steady-state shear rheology of granular materials is investigated in slow quasistatic and
inertial flows. The effect of gravity (thus the local pressure) and the often-neglected contact …
inertial flows. The effect of gravity (thus the local pressure) and the often-neglected contact …
Numerical model for solid-like and fluid-like behavior of granular flows
We propose a constitutive model for both the solid-like and fluid-like behavior of granular
materials by decomposing the stress tensor into quasi-static and collisional components. A …
materials by decomposing the stress tensor into quasi-static and collisional components. A …
Different singularities in the functions of extended kinetic theory at the origin of the yield stress in granular flows
We use previous results from discrete element simulations of simple shear flows of rigid,
identical spheres in the collisional regime to show that the volume fraction-dependence of …
identical spheres in the collisional regime to show that the volume fraction-dependence of …
Steady shearing flows of deformable, inelastic spheres
We extend models for granular flows based on the kinetic theory beyond the critical volume
fraction at which a rate-independent contribution to the stresses develops. This involves the …
fraction at which a rate-independent contribution to the stresses develops. This involves the …
Phase transition in monodisperse granular materials: how to model it by using a strain hardening visco‐elastic‐plastic constitutive relationship
P Marveggio, I Redaelli… - International Journal for …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
During heating (loading characterised by a progressive increase in strain rate) and cooling
(loading characterised by a progressive decrease in strain rate) numerical tests, performed …
(loading characterised by a progressive decrease in strain rate) numerical tests, performed …