PHOSPHORUS IN THE ENVIRONMENT: Natural Flows and Human Interferences

V Smil - Annual review of energy and the environment, 2000 -
▪ Abstract Phosphorus has a number of indispensable biochemical roles, but it does not
have a rapid global cycle akin to the circulations of C or N. Natural mobilization of the …

Glacial/interglacial variations in atmospheric carbon dioxide

DM Sigman, EA Boyle - Nature, 2000 -
Twenty years ago, measurements on ice cores showed that the concentration of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere was lower during ice ages than it is today. As yet, there is no …

Photon-driven nitrogen fixation: current progress, thermodynamic considerations, and future outlook

AJ Medford, MC Hatzell - Acs Catalysis, 2017 - ACS Publications
Over the last century, the industrialization of agriculture and the consumption of fossil fuels
have resulted in a significant imbalance and redistribution in nitrogen-containing resources …

Global patterns and drivers of soil total phosphorus concentration

X He, L Augusto, DS Goll, B Ringeval… - Earth System …, 2021 -
Soils represent the largest phosphorus (P) reserves on land and determining the amount is
a critical first step for identifying sites where ecosystem functioning is potentially limited by P …

Automated Water Extraction Index: A new technique for surface water map** using Landsat imagery

GL Feyisa, H Meilby, R Fensholt, SR Proud - Remote sensing of …, 2014 - Elsevier
Classifying surface cover types and analyzing changes are among the most common
applications of remote sensing. One of the most basic classification tasks is to distinguish …

Global covariation of carbon turnover times with climate in terrestrial ecosystems

N Carvalhais, M Forkel, M Khomik, J Bellarby, M Jung… - Nature, 2014 -
The response of the terrestrial carbon cycle to climate change is among the largest
uncertainties affecting future climate change projections,. The feedback between the …

An improved model calculating CO2 solubility in pure water and aqueous NaCl solutions from 273 to 533 K and from 0 to 2000 bar

Z Duan, R Sun - Chemical geology, 2003 - Elsevier
A thermodynamic model for the solubility of carbon dioxide (CO2) in pure water and in
aqueous NaCl solutions for temperatures from 273 to 533 K, for pressures from 0 to 2000 …

Effects of exotic plant invasions on soil nutrient cycling processes

JG Ehrenfeld - Ecosystems, 2003 - Springer
Although it is generally acknowledged that invasions by exotic plant species represent a
major threat to biodiversity and ecosystem stability, little attention has been paid to the …

[КНИГА][B] Dynamic energy budget theory for metabolic organisation

SALM Kooijman - 2010 -
" Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory is a formal theory for the uptake and use of
substrates (food, nutrients and light) by organisms and their use for maintenance, growth …

[КНИГА][B] Fundamentals of ecotoxicology

MC Newman - 2009 -
Each year ecotoxicological problems become increasingly complex and encompass
broader spatial and temporal scales. Our practical understanding must evolve accordingly to …