Organic proxies in speleothems–New developments, advantages and limitations
Research into organic matter in speleothems has progressed recently to encompass new
analytical approaches and applications, which offer increased potential in areas such as …
analytical approaches and applications, which offer increased potential in areas such as …
Linkages between Holocene paleoclimate and paleohydrogeology preserved in a Yucatan underwater cave
Three sediment cores spanning the last 4200 years from Aktun Ha Cave on the Yucatan
Peninsula (Mexico) demonstrate that underwater caves can document changes to regional …
Peninsula (Mexico) demonstrate that underwater caves can document changes to regional …
Sea level controls sedimentation and environments in coastal caves and sinkholes
Quaternary climate and sea-level research in coastal karst basins (caves, cenotes,
sinkholes, blueholes, etc.) generally focuses on analyzing isotopes in speleothems, or …
sinkholes, blueholes, etc.) generally focuses on analyzing isotopes in speleothems, or …
An extended and higher-resolution record of climate and land use from stalagmite MC01 from Macal Chasm, Belize, revealing connections between major dry events …
The stalagmite MC01 was recovered from Macal Chasm cave on the Vaca Plateau of Belize
in 1995, and an initial paleoclimate interpretation was published in 2007. Additional uranium …
in 1995, and an initial paleoclimate interpretation was published in 2007. Additional uranium …
Pleistocene sedimentary facies of the Gran Dolina archaeo-paleoanthropological site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain)
Gran Dolina is a cavity infill of the Sierra de Atapuerca, containing three important Early and
Middle Pleistocene archaeo-paleontological layers, including hominid bones, fauna and …
Middle Pleistocene archaeo-paleontological layers, including hominid bones, fauna and …
Late holocene environmental change in Celestun lagoon, yucatan, Mexico
Epikarst estuary response to hydroclimate change remains poorly understood, despite the
well-studied link between climate and karst groundwater aquifers. The influence of sea-level …
well-studied link between climate and karst groundwater aquifers. The influence of sea-level …
Evaluating disturbance on Mediterranean karst areas: the example of Sardinia (Italy)
J De Waele - Environmental geology, 2009 - Springer
Evaluating the human disturbance on karst areas is a difficult task because of the complexity
of these peculiar and unique environments. The human impact on karstic geo-ecosystems is …
of these peculiar and unique environments. The human impact on karstic geo-ecosystems is …
Beyond the Mayan lowlands: impacts of the terminal classic drought in the Caribbean Antilles
High-resolution paleoclimate records from the Mayan Lowlands and the Cariaco Basin have
shown that the collapse of the Mayan socio-political structure at the end of the Classic …
shown that the collapse of the Mayan socio-political structure at the end of the Classic …
[КНИГА][B] Ritual, violence, and the fall of the Classic Maya kings
Maya kings who failed to ensure the prosperity of their kingdoms were subject to various
forms of termination, including the ritual defacing and destruction of monuments and even …
forms of termination, including the ritual defacing and destruction of monuments and even …
Management of caves
DS Gillieson - Karst management, 2011 - Springer
People have used caves in many ways for tens of thousands of years and only recently
recognized their recreational, aesthetic, and scientific value. However, this has not …
recognized their recreational, aesthetic, and scientific value. However, this has not …