The marine nitrogen cycle: new developments and global change

DA Hutchins, DG Capone - Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2022‏ -
The ocean is home to a diverse and metabolically versatile microbial community that
performs the complex biochemical transformations that drive the nitrogen cycle, including …

Changing perspectives in marine nitrogen fixation

JP Zehr, DG Capone - Science, 2020‏ -
BACKGROUND Biological dinitrogen (N2) fixation, the reduction of atmospheric N2 to
ammonia, is important for maintaining the fertility of the oceans by providing biologically …

Nitrogen-fixing populations of Planctomycetes and Proteobacteria are abundant in surface ocean metagenomes

TO Delmont, C Quince, A Shaiber, ÖC Esen… - Nature …, 2018‏ -
Nitrogen fixation in the surface ocean impacts global marine nitrogen bioavailability and
thus microbial primary productivity. Until now, cyanobacterial populations have been viewed …

Nitrogen cycles: past, present, and future

JN Galloway, FJ Dentener, DG Capone, EW Boyer… - Biogeochemistry, 2004‏ - Springer
This paper contrasts the natural and anthropogenic controls on the conversion of unreactive
N 2 to more reactive forms of nitrogen (Nr). A variety of data sets are used to construct global …

Phytoplankton in the Tara Ocean

JJ Pierella Karlusich, FM Ibarbalz… - Annual Review of …, 2020‏ -
Photosynthesis evolved in the ocean more than 2 billion years ago and is now performed by
a wide range of evolutionarily distinct organisms, including both prokaryotes and …

The trace metal composition of marine phytoplankton

BS Twining, SB Baines - Annual review of marine science, 2013‏ -
Trace metals are required for numerous processes in phytoplankton and can influence the
growth and structure of natural phytoplankton communities. The metal contents of …

Processes and microorganisms involved in the marine nitrogen cycle: knowledge and gaps

S Pajares, R Ramos - Frontiers in Marine Science, 2019‏ -
Nitrogen (N) is a key element for life in the oceans. It controls primary productivity in many
parts of the global ocean, consequently playing a crucial role in the uptake of atmospheric …

Marine microorganisms and global nutrient cycles

KR Arrigo - Nature, 2005‏ -
The way that nutrients cycle through atmospheric, terrestrial, oceanic and associated biotic
reservoirs can constrain rates of biological production and help structure ecosystems on …

Nitrogen as the limiting nutrient for eutrophication in coastal marine ecosystems: evolving views over three decades

RW Howarth, R Marino - Limnology and oceanography, 2006‏ - Wiley Online Library
The first special volume of Limnology and Oceanography, published in 1972, focused on
whether phosphorus (P) or carbon (C) is the major agent causing eutrophication in aquatic …

The marine nitrogen cycle: recent discoveries, uncertainties and the potential relevance of climate change

M Voss, HW Bange, JW Dippner… - … of the Royal …, 2013‏ -
The ocean's nitrogen cycle is driven by complex microbial transformations, including
nitrogen fixation, assimilation, nitrification, anammox and denitrification. Dinitrogen is the …