A review of geophysical methods for soil structure characterization
The growing interest in the maintenance of favorable soil structure is largely motivated by its
central role in plant growth, soil ecological functioning, and impacts on surface water and …
central role in plant growth, soil ecological functioning, and impacts on surface water and …
[HTML][HTML] Advancing measurements and representations of subsurface heterogeneity and dynamic processes: towards 4D hydrogeology
Essentially all hydrogeological processes are strongly influenced by the subsurface spatial
heterogeneity and the temporal variation of environmental conditions, hydraulic properties …
heterogeneity and the temporal variation of environmental conditions, hydraulic properties …
Complex conductivity of soils
The complex conductivity of soils remains poorly known despite the growing importance of
this method in hydrogeophysics. In order to fill this gap of knowledge, we investigate the …
this method in hydrogeophysics. In order to fill this gap of knowledge, we investigate the …
Geophysical characterisation of the groundwater–surface water interface
Interactions between groundwater (GW) and surface water (SW) have important implications
for water quantity, water quality, and ecological health. The subsurface region proximal to …
for water quantity, water quality, and ecological health. The subsurface region proximal to …
The geophysical toolbox applied to forest ecosystems–A review
Studying the forest subsurface is a challenge because of its heterogeneous nature and
difficult access. Traditional approaches used by ecologists to characterize the subsurface …
difficult access. Traditional approaches used by ecologists to characterize the subsurface …
Sensing the electrical properties of roots: A review
Thorough knowledge of root system functioning is essential to understand the feedback
loops between plants, soil, and climate. In situ characterization of root systems is …
loops between plants, soil, and climate. In situ characterization of root systems is …
Advances in interpretation of subsurface processes with time‐lapse electrical imaging
Electrical geophysical methods, including electrical resistivity, time‐domain induced
polarization, and complex resistivity, have become commonly used to image the near …
polarization, and complex resistivity, have become commonly used to image the near …
Influence of the water content on the complex conductivity of bentonite
J El Alam, A Revil, P Dick - Engineering Geology, 2023 - Elsevier
Compacted bentonite is considered as a potential buffer material for deep geological
disposals of high-level nuclear wastes. Methodologies to non-intrusively monitor the water …
disposals of high-level nuclear wastes. Methodologies to non-intrusively monitor the water …
Induced polarization as a monitoring tool for in-situ microbial induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) processes
Microbial induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) is a promising soil stabilization method
performed by stimulating soil microbes that are naturally occurring and ubiquitous in soil …
performed by stimulating soil microbes that are naturally occurring and ubiquitous in soil …
Pore-scale mechanisms for spectral induced polarization of calcite precipitation inferred from geo-electrical millifluidics
Spectral induced polarization (SIP) has the potential for monitoring reactive processes in the
subsurface. While strong SIP responses have been measured in response to calcite …
subsurface. While strong SIP responses have been measured in response to calcite …