Nutrient regulation in ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): a review
As for all living organisms, the nutritional needs of ants change over time in response to
varying environmental conditions and demands for growth, health, and reproduction …
varying environmental conditions and demands for growth, health, and reproduction …
Benefits and costs of parental care
In order to explain the huge variation in parental behaviour, evolutionary biologists have
traditionally used a cost–benefit approach, which enables them to analyse behavioural traits …
traditionally used a cost–benefit approach, which enables them to analyse behavioural traits …
Linking nutrition and behavioural dominance: carbohydrate scarcity limits aggression and activity in Argentine ants
CD Grover, AD Kay, JA Monson… - … of the Royal …, 2007 -
Predicting the outcome of competitive interactions is a fundamental goal in ecology.
Ecological stoichiometry, which relates nutrient balance to ecological processes, provides a …
Ecological stoichiometry, which relates nutrient balance to ecological processes, provides a …
The effect of food supplementation on reproductive success in bumblebee field colonies
L Pelletier, JN McNeil - Oikos, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
Food availability is a major component of habitat quality. For bumblebee field colonies, it is
unknown to what extent reproductive success is limited by food availability relative to other …
unknown to what extent reproductive success is limited by food availability relative to other …
Queen loss increases worker survival in leaf-cutting ants under paraquat-induced oxidative stress
Longevity is traded off with fecundity in most solitary species, but the two traits are positively
linked in social insects. In ants, the most fecund individuals (queens and kings) live longer …
linked in social insects. In ants, the most fecund individuals (queens and kings) live longer …
Importance of large colony size for successful invasion by Argentine ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): evidence for biotic resistance by native ants
AC Walters, DA Mackay - Austral Ecology, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), is a widespread invasive ant
species that has been associated with losses of native ant species and other invertebrates …
species that has been associated with losses of native ant species and other invertebrates …
Wolbachia-infected ant colonies have increased reproductive investment and an accelerated life cycle
Wolbachia is a widespread genus of maternally transmitted endosymbiotic bacteria that
often manipulates the reproductive strategy and life history of its hosts to favor its own …
often manipulates the reproductive strategy and life history of its hosts to favor its own …
Liquid baits control Argentine ants sustainably in coastal vineyards
ML Cooper, KM Daane, EH Nelson… - California …, 2008 -
Liquid ant baits are an alternative to broad-spectrum insecticide sprays conventionally used
to control Argentine ants. We review the development of liquid ant baits, which capitalize on …
to control Argentine ants. We review the development of liquid ant baits, which capitalize on …
Dietary effects on life history traits in a terrestrial isopod: the importance of evaluating maternal effects and trade-offs
Studies of life history aim to explain patterns in the evolution of reproductive investment,
growth, and survival. Trade-offs between traits are a fundamental component of life history …
growth, and survival. Trade-offs between traits are a fundamental component of life history …
Towards a nutritional ecology of invasive establishment: aphid mutualists provide better fuel for incipient Argentine ant colonies than insect prey
JZ Shik, J Silverman - Biological Invasions, 2013 - Springer
Many potential species invasions fail before establishment. This is likely especially true for
invasive Argentine ants that must overcome a severe founding bottleneck and transition from …
invasive Argentine ants that must overcome a severe founding bottleneck and transition from …