Energy and human health
Energy use is central to human society and provides many health benefits. But each source
of energy entails some health risks. This article reviews the health impacts of each major …
of energy entails some health risks. This article reviews the health impacts of each major …
[HTML][HTML] On naphthenic acids removal from crude oil and oil sands process-affected water
Naphthenic acids (NAs) are widely present in crude oil and oil sands process-affected water
(OSPW). NAs in crude oil lead to corrosion problems, promote emulsion formation, decrease …
(OSPW). NAs in crude oil lead to corrosion problems, promote emulsion formation, decrease …
Legacy of a half century of Athabasca oil sands development recorded by lake ecosystems
The absence of well-executed environmental monitoring in the Athabasca oil sands (Alberta,
Canada) has necessitated the use of indirect approaches to determine background …
Canada) has necessitated the use of indirect approaches to determine background …
Next-generation sequencing of microbial communities in the Athabasca River and its tributaries in relation to oil sands mining activities
The Athabasca oil sands deposit is the largest reservoir of crude bitumen in the world.
Recently, the soaring demand for oil and the availability of modern bitumen extraction …
Recently, the soaring demand for oil and the availability of modern bitumen extraction …
Effects-directed analysis of dissolved organic compounds in oil sands process-affected water
Acute toxicity of oil sands process-affected water (OSPW) is caused by its complex mixture of
bitumen-derived organics, but the specific chemical classes that are most toxic have not …
bitumen-derived organics, but the specific chemical classes that are most toxic have not …
Water management and produced water treatment in oil sand plant: A review
Water management in oil and gas production industries is one of the important issues due to
the requirement of huge amount of freshwater in process and generation of large amount of …
the requirement of huge amount of freshwater in process and generation of large amount of …
[HTML][HTML] Does the water footprint concept provide relevant information to address the water–food–energy–ecosystem nexus?
D Vanham - Ecosystem services, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper is a perspective paper, which investigates whether the water footprint (WF)
concept addresses the water–food–energy–ecosystem nexus. First, the nexus links between …
concept addresses the water–food–energy–ecosystem nexus. First, the nexus links between …
Emissions from oil sands tailings ponds: Review of tailings pond parameters and emission estimates
The storage of large volumes of tailings has become an issue for Canada׳ s oil sands
industry. The use of diluent, along with incomplete bitumen and solvent recovery from the …
industry. The use of diluent, along with incomplete bitumen and solvent recovery from the …
[HTML][HTML] A historical and future impact assessment of mining activities on surface biophysical characteristics change: A remote sensing-based approach
Mining activities and associated actions cause land-use/land-cover (LULC) changes across
the world. The objective of this study were to evaluate the historical impacts of mining …
the world. The objective of this study were to evaluate the historical impacts of mining …
Toxicity of naphthenic acid fraction components extracted from fresh and aged oil sands process-affected waters, and commercial naphthenic acid mixtures, to fathead …
Naphthenic acids (NAs) are constituents of oil sands process-affected water (OSPW). These
compounds can be both toxic and persistent and thus are a primary concern for the ultimate …
compounds can be both toxic and persistent and thus are a primary concern for the ultimate …