New models of inclusive innovation for development
This special issue of Innovation and Development focuses on inclusive innovation;
specifically on analysis of the new models of this form of innovation which are emerging …
specifically on analysis of the new models of this form of innovation which are emerging …
[HTML][HTML] Prevalence and risk factors of gastrointestinal parasitic infections in goats in low-input low-output farming systems in Zimbabwe
A longitudinal study was conducted in low-input low-output farming systems to determine the
prevalence of gastrointestinal parasitic infections in different age groups, sex and associated …
prevalence of gastrointestinal parasitic infections in different age groups, sex and associated …
Operationalizing inclusive innovation: lessons from innovation platforms in livestock value chains in India and Mozambique
K Swaans, B Boogaard, R Bendapudi… - Innovation and …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Various authors have identified the potential relevance of innovation system approaches for
inclusive innovation, that is, the means by which new goods and services are developed for …
inclusive innovation, that is, the means by which new goods and services are developed for …
Quantifying value chain analysis in the context of livestock systems in develo** countries
The analysis of value chains has augmented our knowledge on the complexities, inter-
linkages, distributional benefits, and institutional arrangements of production and marketing …
linkages, distributional benefits, and institutional arrangements of production and marketing …
[HTML][HTML] Diagnosing constraints to market participation of small ruminant producers in northern Ghana: An innovation systems analysis
This paper assesses why participation in markets for small ruminants is relatively low in
northern Ghana by analysing the technical and institutional constraints to innovation in …
northern Ghana by analysing the technical and institutional constraints to innovation in …
Economic trade-offs of biomass use in crop-livestock systems: Exploring more sustainable options in semi-arid Zimbabwe
In complex mixed crop-livestock systems with limited resources and biomass scarcity, crop
residues play an important but increasingly contested role. This paper focuses on farming …
residues play an important but increasingly contested role. This paper focuses on farming …
Characterisation of goat product consumers and goat farming systems in the Brazilian Northeast region
MF dos Santos Souza, LCG Passetti… - Small Ruminant …, 2019 - Elsevier
This study aimed to characterise the consumers and goat farming systems in the state of
Sergipe, Brazil, and to propose strategies for structuring the goat production chain …
Sergipe, Brazil, and to propose strategies for structuring the goat production chain …
Integrated crop-livestock management practices, technical efficiency and technology ratios in extensive small-ruminant systems in Ghana
This paper evaluates the performance of smallholder farmers in three districts of the forest-
savannah transition agroecological zone of Ghana and examines the effect of integrated …
savannah transition agroecological zone of Ghana and examines the effect of integrated …
Integrated crop-livestock systems-a key to sustainable intensification in Africa
Mixed crop-livestock systems provide livelihoods for a billion people and produce half the
world's cereal and around a third of its beef and milk. Market orientation and strong and …
world's cereal and around a third of its beef and milk. Market orientation and strong and …
Participatory identification of breeding objective traits and selection criteria for indigenous goat of the pastoral communities in Ethiopia
T Getachew, A Haile, T Tessema, D Dea… - Tropical Animal Health …, 2020 - Springer
A structured questionnaire, own-flock ranking experiment, and group discussions were
undertaken to assess goat breeding practices and to identify traits of interest for genetic …
undertaken to assess goat breeding practices and to identify traits of interest for genetic …