Invasion Success and Management Strategies for Social Vespula Wasps
Three species of Vespula have become invasive in Australia, Hawai 'i, New Zealand, and
North and South America and continue to spread. These social wasp species can achieve …
North and South America and continue to spread. These social wasp species can achieve …
Scientific opinion addressing the state of the science on risk assessment of plant protection products for in‐soil organisms
EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and … - Efsa …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Following a request from EFSA, the Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues
developed an opinion on the science behind the risk assessment of plant protection …
developed an opinion on the science behind the risk assessment of plant protection …
Trophic diversity of the otter (Lutra lutra L.) in temperate and Mediterranean freshwater habitats
Aim To analyse the geographical patterns in the composition and diversity of otter's (Lutra
lutra L.) diet and their relationship with climatic characteristics. Location European …
lutra L.) diet and their relationship with climatic characteristics. Location European …
Biogeographical patterns in the diet of an opportunistic predator: the red fox Vulpes vulpes in the Iberian Peninsula
Biogeographical diversity is central to the trophic ecology of predators. Understanding the
biogeographical trophic patterns of generalist predators, such as the red fox V ulpes vulpes …
biogeographical trophic patterns of generalist predators, such as the red fox V ulpes vulpes …
Variation in red fox Vulpes vulpes diet in five continents
Understanding variation in the diet of widely distributed species can help us to predict how
they respond to future environmental and anthropogenic changes. We studied the diet of the …
they respond to future environmental and anthropogenic changes. We studied the diet of the …
Biogeographical patterns in the diet of the wildcat, Felis silvestris Schreber, in Eurasia: factors affecting the trophic diversity
Aim To analyse the biogeographical patterns in the feeding habits and trophic diversity of
prey of the wildcat, Felis silvestris Schreber. Location The Eurasian distribution range from …
prey of the wildcat, Felis silvestris Schreber. Location The Eurasian distribution range from …
Biogeographical variation in the diet of Holarctic martens (genus Martes, Mammalia: Carnivora: Mustelidae): adaptive foraging in generalists
Aim Studies comparing feeding habits across a genus in different geographical regions or
habitats can identify factors associated with adaptive feeding behaviour, linking key …
habitats can identify factors associated with adaptive feeding behaviour, linking key …
Dietary flexibility promotes range expansion: The case of golden jackals in Eurasia
Aim Ongoing global changes can lead to the expansion of species' geographical range.
Exploring the drivers of the successful ongoing expansion of the golden jackal across …
Exploring the drivers of the successful ongoing expansion of the golden jackal across …
Diet and Feeding Ecology of Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in Bulindi, Uganda: Foraging Strategies at the Forest–Farm Interface
MR McLennan - International Journal of Primatology, 2013 - Springer
Wild animals increasingly inhabit human-influenced environments such as forest fragments
amid agricultural systems. Dietary studies provide a means of assessing wildlife responses …
amid agricultural systems. Dietary studies provide a means of assessing wildlife responses …
Dietary shifts of the badger (Meles meles) in Mediterranean woodlands: an opportunistic forager with seasonal specialisms
Accumulating publications on the feeding ecology of the Eurasian badger (Meles meles
Linnaeus, 1758) in different habitats throughout Europe provide a basis for intra-specific …
Linnaeus, 1758) in different habitats throughout Europe provide a basis for intra-specific …