Ultrafast electron diffraction: Visualizing dynamic states of matter
Since the discovery of electron-wave duality, electron scattering instrumentation has
developed into a powerful array of techniques for revealing the atomic structure of matter …
developed into a powerful array of techniques for revealing the atomic structure of matter …
Time-resolved transmission electron microscopy for nanoscale chemical dynamics
The ability of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to image a structure ranging from
millimetres to Ångströms has made it an indispensable component of the toolkit of modern …
millimetres to Ångströms has made it an indispensable component of the toolkit of modern …
Prospect of studying nonperturbative QED with beam-beam collisions
We demonstrate the experimental feasibility of probing the fully nonperturbative regime of
quantum electrodynamics with a 100 GeV-class particle collider. By using tightly …
quantum electrodynamics with a 100 GeV-class particle collider. By using tightly …
An ultra-compact x-ray free-electron laser
In the field of beam physics, two frontier topics have taken center stage due to their potential
to enable new approaches to discovery in a wide swath of science. These areas are …
to enable new approaches to discovery in a wide swath of science. These areas are …
Advances in bright electron sources
In this paper, we review the status of bright electron sources. High peak current (up to kA)
low emittance (< 1 mm rad) electron beams have been one of the critical components in the …
low emittance (< 1 mm rad) electron beams have been one of the critical components in the …
High gradient experiments with -band cryogenic copper accelerating cavities
Vacuum radio-frequency (rf) breakdown is one of the major factors that limit operating
accelerating gradients in rf particle accelerators. The occurrence of rf breakdowns was …
accelerating gradients in rf particle accelerators. The occurrence of rf breakdowns was …
High field hybrid photoinjector electron source for advanced light source applications
The production of high spectral brilliance radiation from electron beam sources depends
critically on the electron beam qualities. One must obtain very high electron beam …
critically on the electron beam qualities. One must obtain very high electron beam …
Bunch sha** in electron linear accelerators
Modern electron linear accelerators are often designed to produce smooth bunch
distributions characterized by their macroscopic ensemble-average moments. However, an …
distributions characterized by their macroscopic ensemble-average moments. However, an …
Advanced technologies for applied particle accelerators and examples of their use
This review presents the author's view on modern trends in the development of charged
particle accelerators for various applications, which is based on his own experience in this …
particle accelerators for various applications, which is based on his own experience in this …
Versatile, high brightness, cryogenic photoinjector electron source
Since the introduction of the radio-frequency (rf) photoinjector electron source over thirty
years ago, peak performance demands have dictated the use of high accelerating electric …
years ago, peak performance demands have dictated the use of high accelerating electric …