Dynamics of a harvested prey–predator model with prey refuge dependent on both species
The present paper deals with a prey–predator model with prey refuge in proportion to both
species, and the independent harvesting of each species. Our study shows that using refuge …
species, and the independent harvesting of each species. Our study shows that using refuge …
Stability and bifurcation analysis in a predator–prey system with Michaelis–Menten type predator harvesting
D Hu, H Cao - Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2017 - Elsevier
The stability and bifurcation analysis for a predator–prey system with the nonlinear Michaelis–
Menten type predator harvesting are taken into account. The existence and stability of …
Menten type predator harvesting are taken into account. The existence and stability of …
Dynamics of an additional food provided predator–prey system with prey refuge dependent on both species and constant harvest in predator
In the present work, we investigate on the dynamics of predator–prey model with prey refuge
in proportion to both species and the effect of additional food provided to the predator. A …
in proportion to both species and the effect of additional food provided to the predator. A …
Stability and bifurcation analysis of a discrete prey–predator model with square-root functional response and optimal harvesting
P Chakraborty, U Ghosh, S Sarkar - Journal of Biological Systems, 2020 - World Scientific
In this paper, we have considered a discrete prey–predator model with square-root
functional response and optimal harvesting policy. This type of functional response is used …
functional response and optimal harvesting policy. This type of functional response is used …
The dynamics of a harvested predator–prey system with Holling type IV functional response
X Liu, Q Huang - Biosystems, 2018 - Elsevier
The paper aims to investigate the dynamical behavior of a predator–prey system with
Holling type IV functional response in which both the species are subject to capturing. We …
Holling type IV functional response in which both the species are subject to capturing. We …
Patterns induced by super cross-diffusion in a predator-prey system with Michaelis–Menten type harvesting
B Liu, R Wu, L Chen - Mathematical Biosciences, 2018 - Elsevier
Turing instability and pattern formation in a super cross-diffusion predator-prey system with
Michaelis–Menten type predator harvesting are investigated. Stability of equilibrium points is …
Michaelis–Menten type predator harvesting are investigated. Stability of equilibrium points is …
Complex dynamics of Leslie–Gower prey–predator model with fear, refuge and additional food under multiple delays
In this paper, we analyze a system of delay differential equations incorporating prey's refuge,
fear, fear-response delay, extra food for predators and their gestation lag. First, we examined …
fear, fear-response delay, extra food for predators and their gestation lag. First, we examined …
Dynamic analysis of additional food provided non-smooth pest-natural enemy models based on nonlinear threshold control
X Yan, Y Tian, K Sun - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2025 - Springer
Bemisia tabaci is an agricultural pest with great impact, widely distributed in more than 90
countries and regions. In order to slow down the spread of Bemisia tabacti, Neoseiulus …
countries and regions. In order to slow down the spread of Bemisia tabacti, Neoseiulus …
Stability and Bifurcation of a Prey‐Predator‐Scavenger Model in the Existence of Toxicant and Harvesting
In this paper a prey‐predator‐scavenger food web model is proposed and studied. It is
assumed that the model considered the effect of harvesting and all the species are infected …
assumed that the model considered the effect of harvesting and all the species are infected …
This paper investigates the dynamical behavior of the modified May–Holling–Tanner model
in the presence of dynamic alternative resources. We study the role of dynamic alternative …
in the presence of dynamic alternative resources. We study the role of dynamic alternative …