Cometary dust
AC Levasseur-Regourd, J Agarwal, H Cottin… - Space science …, 2018 - Springer
This review presents our understanding of cometary dust at the end of 2017. For decades,
insight about the dust ejected by nuclei of comets had stemmed from remote observations …
insight about the dust ejected by nuclei of comets had stemmed from remote observations …
Chondrule properties and formation conditions
Chondrules are iconic sub-millimeter spheroids representing the most abundant high-
temperature dust formed during the evolution of the circumsolar disk. Chondrules have been …
temperature dust formed during the evolution of the circumsolar disk. Chondrules have been …
Oxygen isotope evidence from Ryugu samples for early water delivery to Earth by CI chondrites
RC Greenwood, IA Franchi, R Findlay, JA Malley… - Nature …, 2023 - nature.com
The delivery of water to the inner Solar System, including Earth, is still a debated topic. A
preferential role for hydrated asteroids in this process is supported by isotopic …
preferential role for hydrated asteroids in this process is supported by isotopic …
The nucleosynthetic fingerprint of the outermost protoplanetary disk and early Solar System dynamics
Knowledge of the nucleosynthetic isotope composition of the outermost protoplanetary disk
is critical to understand the formation and early dynamical evolution of the Solar System. We …
is critical to understand the formation and early dynamical evolution of the Solar System. We …
A temporal shift of chondrule generation from the inner to outer Solar System inferred from oxygen isotopes and Al-Mg chronology of chondrules from primitive CM and …
Deciphering the spatial and temporal evolution of chondrules allows for a better
understanding of how asteroidal seeds formed, migrated, and eventually accreted into …
understanding of how asteroidal seeds formed, migrated, and eventually accreted into …
Oxygen isotopes of anhydrous primary minerals show kinship between asteroid Ryugu and comet 81P/Wild2
N Kawasaki, K Nagashima, N Sakamoto… - Science …, 2022 - science.org
The extraterrestrial materials returned from asteroid (162173) Ryugu consist predominantly
of low-temperature aqueously formed secondary minerals and are chemically and …
of low-temperature aqueously formed secondary minerals and are chemically and …
16O-rich anhydrous silicates in CI chondrites: Implications for the nature and dynamics of dust in the solar accretion disk
CI chondrites have nonvolatile chemical compositions closely resembling that of the Sun's
photosphere and are thus considered to have the most primitive compositions of all known …
photosphere and are thus considered to have the most primitive compositions of all known …
Origin of isolated olivine grains in carbonaceous chondrites
We report microscopic, cathodoluminescence, chemical, and O isotopic measurements of
FeO‐poor isolated olivine grains (IOG) in the carbonaceous chondrites Allende (CV3) …
FeO‐poor isolated olivine grains (IOG) in the carbonaceous chondrites Allende (CV3) …
Cometary dust: the diversity of primitive refractory grains
DH Wooden, HA Ishii… - … Transactions of the …, 2017 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Comet dust is primitive and shows significant diversity. Our knowledge of the properties of
primitive cometary particles has expanded significantly through microscale investigations of …
primitive cometary particles has expanded significantly through microscale investigations of …
Extended chondrule formation intervals in distinct physicochemical environments: Evidence from Al-Mg isotope systematics of CR chondrite chondrules with unaltered …
Al-Mg isotope systematics of twelve FeO-poor (type I) chondrules from CR chondrites Queen
Alexandra Range 99177 and Meteorite Hills 00426 were investigated by secondary ion …
Alexandra Range 99177 and Meteorite Hills 00426 were investigated by secondary ion …