The bouba/kiki effect is robust across cultures and writing systems
The bouba/kiki effect—the association of the nonce word bouba with a round shape and kiki
with a spiky shape—is a type of correspondence between speech sounds and visual …
with a spiky shape—is a type of correspondence between speech sounds and visual …
The AI trilemma: Saving the planet without ruining our jobs
E Ernst - Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Digitalization and artificial intelligence increasingly affect the world of work. Rising risk of
massive job losses have sparked technological fears. Limited income and productivity gains …
massive job losses have sparked technological fears. Limited income and productivity gains …
The puzzle of ideography
O Morin - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2023 - cambridge.org
An ideography is a general-purpose code made of pictures that do not encode language,
which can be used autonomously–not just as a mnemonic prop–to encode information on a …
which can be used autonomously–not just as a mnemonic prop–to encode information on a …
Sound symbolism in sighted and blind. The role of vision and orthography in sound-shape correspondences
Non-arbitrary sound-shape correspondences (SSC), such as the “bouba-kiki” effect, have
been consistently observed across languages and together with other sound-symbolic …
been consistently observed across languages and together with other sound-symbolic …
Assessing sound symbolism: Investigating phonetic forms, visual shapes and letter fonts in an implicit bouba-kiki experimental paradigm
Classically, in the bouba-kiki association task, a subject is asked to find the best association
between one of two shapes–a round one and a spiky one–and one of two pseudowords …
between one of two shapes–a round one and a spiky one–and one of two pseudowords …
Japanese sound-symbolic words for representing the hardness of an object are judged similarly by Japanese and English speakers
Contrary to the assumption of arbitrariness in modern linguistics, sound symbolism, which is
the non-arbitrary relationship between sounds and meanings, exists. Sound symbolism …
the non-arbitrary relationship between sounds and meanings, exists. Sound symbolism …
The Bouba–Kiki effect is predicted by sound properties but not speech properties
Humans robustly associate spiky shapes to words like “Kiki” and round shapes to words like
“Bouba.” According to a popular explanation, this is because the mouth assumes an angular …
“Bouba.” According to a popular explanation, this is because the mouth assumes an angular …
Beyond Kandinsky: Exploring colour-shape correspondences through the lenses of emotions, individual differences, and aesthetics
NB Dreksler - 2020 - ora.ox.ac.uk
This thesis brings together historical and empirical research on colour-shape
correspondences. Historical accounts usually start with Wassily Kandinsky's universal visual …
correspondences. Historical accounts usually start with Wassily Kandinsky's universal visual …
Sound Symbolism Across Diverse Writing Systems
A Porto, A Basalyga, MN Huckle… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 - escholarship.org
It is now well-established that the visual features of objects influence the sounds we make to
refer to them. This is called sound symbolism. We present the results of a two-part study that …
refer to them. This is called sound symbolism. We present the results of a two-part study that …
From Shapes to Sounds: Exploring the Role of Visual and Auditory Features in Changes in the Bouba-Kiki Effect With Development
EA Boyce-Jacino - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Abstract The Bouba-Kiki (BK) effect is a crossmodal correspondence between abstract
shapes and pseudowords in which round and sharp features of sounds are matched with …
shapes and pseudowords in which round and sharp features of sounds are matched with …