Maintenance strategy selection: a comprehensive review of current paradigms and solution approaches
Purpose In today's competitive industries, the selection of best suitable maintenance
strategy is dependent on large number of quantitative and qualitative factors, and it becomes …
strategy is dependent on large number of quantitative and qualitative factors, and it becomes …
Building automation and control systems for office buildings: Technical insights for effective facility management-a literature review
S van Roosmale, P Hellinckx, J Meysman… - Journal of Building …, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper provides an overview of the benefits of Building Automation and Control Systems
(BACS) for facility managers of office buildings and delves into the fundamental structure of …
(BACS) for facility managers of office buildings and delves into the fundamental structure of …
Develo** a fuzzy optimized model for selecting a maintenance strategy in the paper industry: An integrated FGP-ANP-FMEA approach
Proper equipment maintenance can significantly reduce overall operating costs by boosting
productivity. Management personnel often consider maintenance an expense; however, a …
productivity. Management personnel often consider maintenance an expense; however, a …
Understanding the opportunities and challenges of building automation and control systems to support facility management–an extensive literature review
S van Roosmale, A Audenaert, J Meysman - Facilities, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose This paper aims to highlight the expanding link between facility management (FM)
and building automation and control systems (BACS) through a review of literature. It …
and building automation and control systems (BACS) through a review of literature. It …
[PDF][PDF] Decision support system for smartphone recommendation: The comparison of fuzzy AHP and fuzzy ANP in multi-attribute decision making
Previous researches outlined the advantages of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and
Analytic Network Process (ANP) methods in solving Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) …
Analytic Network Process (ANP) methods in solving Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) …
A two-stage AHP multi-objective simulation optimization approach in healthcare
Quality of care is crucial for patients' satisfaction and safety in healthcare centers. The
majority of hospitals attempt to implement facility-wide improvements to ensure high-quality …
majority of hospitals attempt to implement facility-wide improvements to ensure high-quality …
[PDF][PDF] A hybrid model to optimize the maintenance policies in the hydroelectric power plants
Aim The main goal of power plants is to generate the electricity in sustainability perspective
consisting of the principles of environmental awareness, reliability, efficiency, economy and …
consisting of the principles of environmental awareness, reliability, efficiency, economy and …
[HTML][HTML] Model for technology selection in the context of industry 4.0 manufacturing
Manufacturing companies face significant challenges due to rapid changes in globalized
markets and open economies, which are experiencing mega-trends such as urbanization …
markets and open economies, which are experiencing mega-trends such as urbanization …
Data center maintenance: applications and future research directions
Purpose One of the most critical infrastructures is a data center (DC) because of it having
many servers, computers and other equipment. DCs provide online services for various …
many servers, computers and other equipment. DCs provide online services for various …
Hybrid performance-measurement model of elevators
This research first proposed a conceptual hybrid performance measurement model of
elevators (HPMME) that consisted of three latent constructs involving three key performance …
elevators (HPMME) that consisted of three latent constructs involving three key performance …