Analysis of machine foundation vibrations: state of the art
G Gazetas - International Journal of soil dynamics and earthquake …, 1983 - Elsevier
The paper reviews the state-of-the-art of analysing the dynamic response of foundations
subjected to machine-type loadings. Following a brief outline of the historical developments …
subjected to machine-type loadings. Following a brief outline of the historical developments …
[CARTE][B] Shaking table scale model tests of nonlinear soil-pile-superstructure interaction in soft clay
PJ Meymand - 1998 - search.proquest.com
A significant number of cases of damage to piles and pile-supported structures during
earthquakes have been observed, but few instrumented records of the response and …
earthquakes have been observed, but few instrumented records of the response and …
Horizontal response of piles in layered soils
G Gazetas, R Dobry - Journal of Geotechnical engineering, 1984 - ascelibrary.org
An inexpensive and realistic procedure is developed for estimating the lateral dynamic
stiffness and dam** of flexible piles embedded in arbitrarily layered soil deposits. Starting …
stiffness and dam** of flexible piles embedded in arbitrarily layered soil deposits. Starting …
Nonlinear soil-pile interaction model for dynamic lateral motion
A rational dynamic soil-pile interaction model is presented. The model is developed
adopting Winkler's hypothesis with a special attention to the conditions in which the strong …
adopting Winkler's hypothesis with a special attention to the conditions in which the strong …
[HTML][HTML] Aseismic pile foundation design analysis
MJ Pender - Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for …, 1993 - bulletin.nzsee.org.nz
Methods of assessing, for preliminary design purposes, the stiffness and capacity of pile
foundations under seismic forces are presented. Although the main thrust of the paper is to …
foundations under seismic forces are presented. Although the main thrust of the paper is to …
Simple radiation dam** model for piles and footings
G Gazetas, R Dobry - Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 1984 - ascelibrary.org
A simple model is developed to obtain radiation dam** coefficients of soil-foundation
systems, for both plane-strain and axisymmetric loading conditions. Despite the simplifying …
systems, for both plane-strain and axisymmetric loading conditions. Despite the simplifying …
[HTML][HTML] Gentle Driving of Piles (GDP) at a sandy site combining axial and torsional vibrations: Part II-cyclic/dynamic lateral loading tests
Abstract Gentle Driving of Piles (GDP) is a new technology for the vibratory installation of
tubular (mono) piles. Its founding principle is that both efficient installation and low noise …
tubular (mono) piles. Its founding principle is that both efficient installation and low noise …
Nonlinear response of single piles under lateral inertial and seismic loads
D Badoni, N Makris - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 1996 - Elsevier
A macroscopic model that consists of distributed hysteretic springs and frequency
dependent-pots is utilized to model the lateral soil reaction and a practical method based on …
dependent-pots is utilized to model the lateral soil reaction and a practical method based on …
Influence of soil–structure interaction on the response of seismically isolated cable-stayed bridge
BB Soneji, RS Jangid - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2008 - Elsevier
Soil conditions have a great deal to do with damage to structures during earthquakes. This
paper attempts to assess the influence of dynamic soil–structure interaction (SSI) on the …
paper attempts to assess the influence of dynamic soil–structure interaction (SSI) on the …
[CARTE][B] Contributions to static and seismic analysis of piles and pile-supported bridge piers
G Mylonakis - 1995 - search.proquest.com
A number of solutions are presented for the static, dynamic, and seismic response of single
piles, pile groups, and pile-group-supported bridge piers, on homogeneous and layered soil …
piles, pile groups, and pile-group-supported bridge piers, on homogeneous and layered soil …