The diversification of Heliconius butterflies: what have we learned in 150 years?
Research into Heliconius butterflies has made a significant contribution to evolutionary
biology. Here, we review our understanding of the diversification of these butterflies …
biology. Here, we review our understanding of the diversification of these butterflies …
Hybrid speciation driven by multilocus introgression of ecological traits
Hybridization allows adaptations to be shared among lineages and may trigger the evolution
of new species,. However, convincing examples of homoploid hybrid speciation remain rare …
of new species,. However, convincing examples of homoploid hybrid speciation remain rare …
The arms race between heliconiine butterflies and Passiflora plants – new insights on an ancient subject
Heliconiines are called passion vine butterflies because they feed exclusively on Passiflora
plants during the larval stage. Many features of Passiflora and heliconiines indicate that they …
plants during the larval stage. Many features of Passiflora and heliconiines indicate that they …
Multilocus Species Trees Show the Recent Adaptive Radiation of the Mimetic Heliconius Butterflies
Müllerian mimicry among Neotropical Heliconiini butterflies is an excellent example of
natural selection, associated with the diversification of a large continental-scale radiation …
natural selection, associated with the diversification of a large continental-scale radiation …
[KNYGA][B] The ecology and evolution of Heliconius butterflies
CD Jiggins - 2017 -
The Heliconius butterflies are one of the classic systems in evolutionary biology and have
contributed hugely to our understanding of evolution over the last 150 years. Their dramatic …
contributed hugely to our understanding of evolution over the last 150 years. Their dramatic …
Patterns, predictors, and consequences of dominance in hybrids
Compared to those of their parents, are the traits of first-generation (F1) hybrids typically
intermediate, biased toward one parent, or mismatched for alternative parental phenotypes …
intermediate, biased toward one parent, or mismatched for alternative parental phenotypes …
Brain composition in Heliconius butterflies, posteclosion growth and experience‐dependent neuropil plasticity
Behavioral and sensory adaptations are often reflected in the differential expansion of brain
components. These volumetric differences represent changes in cell number, size, and/or …
components. These volumetric differences represent changes in cell number, size, and/or …
What shapes the continuum of reproductive isolation? Lessons from Heliconius butterflies
The process by which species evolve can be illuminated by investigating barriers that limit
gene flow between taxa. Recent radiations, such as Heliconius butterflies, offer the …
gene flow between taxa. Recent radiations, such as Heliconius butterflies, offer the …
No evidence for maintenance of a sympatric Heliconius species barrier by chromosomal inversions
Mechanisms that suppress recombination are known to help maintain species barriers by
preventing the breakup of coadapted gene combinations. The sympatric butterfly species …
preventing the breakup of coadapted gene combinations. The sympatric butterfly species …
Neural divergence and hybrid disruption between ecologically isolated Heliconius butterflies
The importance of behavioral evolution during speciation is well established, but we know
little about how this is manifest in sensory and neural systems. A handful of studies have …
little about how this is manifest in sensory and neural systems. A handful of studies have …