[HTML][HTML] Recent applications of Landsat 8/OLI and Sentinel-2/MSI for land use and land cover map**: A systematic review
Recent applications of Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (L8/OLI) and Sentinel-2
MultiSpectral Instrument (S2/MSI) data for acquiring information about land use and land …
MultiSpectral Instrument (S2/MSI) data for acquiring information about land use and land …
[HTML][HTML] Historical background and current developments for map** burned area from satellite Earth observation
Fire has a diverse range of impacts on Earth's physical and social systems. Accurate and up
to date information on areas affected by fire is critical to better understand drivers of fire …
to date information on areas affected by fire is critical to better understand drivers of fire …
A modified bare soil index to identify bare land features during agricultural fallow-period in southeast Asia using Landsat 8
CT Nguyen, A Chidthaisong, P Kieu Diem, LZ Huo - Land, 2021 - mdpi.com
Bare soil is a critical element in the urban landscape and plays an essential role in urban
environments. Yet, the separation of bare soil and other land cover types using remote …
environments. Yet, the separation of bare soil and other land cover types using remote …
Monitoring tropical forest degradation using spectral unmixing and Landsat time series analysis
Tropical forest loss currently contributes 5 to 15% of anthropogenic carbon emissions to the
atmosphere. The large uncertainty in emissions estimates is a consequence of many factors …
atmosphere. The large uncertainty in emissions estimates is a consequence of many factors …
Satellite‐based estimates reveal widespread forest degradation in the Amazon
Anthropogenic and natural forest disturbance cause ecological damage and carbon
emissions. Forest disturbance in the Amazon occurs in the form of deforestation (conversion …
emissions. Forest disturbance in the Amazon occurs in the form of deforestation (conversion …
Climatic or regionally induced by humans? Tracing hydro-climatic and land-use changes to better understand the Lake Urmia tragedy
Lake Urmia—a shallow endemic hypersaline lake in northwest Iran—has undergone a
dramatic decline in its water level (WL), by about 8 m, since 1995. The primary cause of the …
dramatic decline in its water level (WL), by about 8 m, since 1995. The primary cause of the …
A LandTrendr multispectral ensemble for forest disturbance detection
Monitoring and classifying forest disturbance using Landsat time series has improved
greatly over the past decade, with many new algorithms taking advantage of the high …
greatly over the past decade, with many new algorithms taking advantage of the high …
Improving near-real time deforestation monitoring in tropical dry forests by combining dense Sentinel-1 time series with Landsat and ALOS-2 PALSAR-2
Combining observations from multiple optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites
can provide temporally dense and regular information at medium resolution scale …
can provide temporally dense and regular information at medium resolution scale …
No peace for the forest: Rapid, widespread land changes in the Andes-Amazon region following the Colombian civil war
Negative environmental impacts of violent conflict have been observed worldwide. Whether
or not active global conflicts are declining in number remains hotly debated, the number of …
or not active global conflicts are declining in number remains hotly debated, the number of …
The end of gunpoint conservation: forest disturbance after the Colombian peace agreement
PJ Murillo-Sandoval, K Van Dexter… - Environmental …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
In November 2016, after 52 years of armed conflict, the Colombian government and the
primary rebel group, the FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) reached a …
primary rebel group, the FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) reached a …