Rapid fuel switching from coal to natural gas through effective carbon pricing

IAG Wilson, I Staffell - Nature Energy, 2018 - nature.com
Great Britain's overall carbon emissions fell by 6% in 2016, due to cleaner electricity
production. This was not due to a surge in low-carbon nuclear or renewable sources; …

Quantification of global waste heat and its environmental effects

A Firth, B Zhang, A Yang - Applied energy, 2019 - Elsevier
Waste heat is a major source of recoverable loss in societal energy use, offering significant
potential for reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. A number of studies have been carried …

Development of sustainable supplier selection index for new product development using multi criteria decision making

AK Sinha, A Anand - Journal of cleaner production, 2018 - Elsevier
In view of the growing environmental consciousness among product users, the issue of
product sustainability is one of the challenging tasks being faced by product designers …

Institutions, industries and entrepreneurial versus advantage-based strategies: How complex, nested environments affect strategic choice

MA Hitt, DG Sirmon, Y Li, A Ghobadian… - Journal of Management …, 2021 - Springer
With primary and secondary data on 658 firms from 17 countries across three continents, we
examine the combined influence of country-level institutions on industry attributes and in …

[PDF][PDF] How to price carbon to reach net-zero emissions in the UK

J Burke, R Byrnes, S Fankhauser - Policy Report, London School of …, 2019 - cccep.ac.uk
How to price carbon to reach net-zero emissions in the UK Page 1 How to price carbon to
reach net-zero emissions in the UK Joshua Burke, Rebecca Byrnes and Sam Fankhauser …

[KNIHA][B] Boosting growth and productivity in the United Kingdom through investments in the sustainable economy

D Zenghelis, E Serin, NH Stern, A Valero… - 2024 - lse.ac.uk
It is now widely accepted that the UK has a major productivity growth problem, with chronic
underinvestment across both the public and private sectors being a key cause. Continued …

The economic and environmental impacts of increasing the Irish carbon tax

KC De Bruin, AM Yakut - 2018 - econstor.eu
The economic and environmental impacts of increasing the Irish carbon tax Page 1 De Bruin,
Kelly C.; Yakut, Aykut Mert Research Report The economic and environmental impacts of …

Evaluating the potential impacts of carbon tax cost passing strategy on petrochemical selling prices

I Halim, JH Miah, HH Khoo, L Koh - SN Applied Sciences, 2019 - Springer
To meet their commitments to Paris climate accord, governments around the world have
begun to introduce emission pricing schemes such as carbon taxes with the intention of …

Trade-off or tension: Can carbon be priced without risking economic competitiveness?

J Hafele, S Kuhls - 2022 - econstor.eu
While reducing industrial greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is undoubtedly necessary to
avoid an ecological disaster, political support for environmental regulation depends largely …

[PDF][PDF] The changing costs of technology and the optimal investment timing in the power sector

CF Heuberger, I Staffell, N Shah, N Mac Dowell - Briefing note, 2017 - imperial.ac.uk
Decarbonisation efforts in the UK, as well as in many countries around the world, are
resha** the structure, operation, and economics of electricity systems. Energy policies are …