Designing visual aids that promote risk literacy: a systematic review of health research and evidence-based design heuristics
R Garcia-Retamero, ET Cokely - Human factors, 2017 -
Background Effective risk communication is essential for informed decision making.
Unfortunately, many people struggle to understand typical risk communications because …
Unfortunately, many people struggle to understand typical risk communications because …
Implementing patient-reported outcomes assessment in clinical practice: a review of the options and considerations
CF Snyder, NK Aaronson, AK Choucair, TE Elliott… - Quality of Life …, 2012 - Springer
Purpose While clinical care is frequently directed at making patients “feel better,” patients'
reports on their functioning and well-being (patient-reported outcomes [PROs]) are rarely …
reports on their functioning and well-being (patient-reported outcomes [PROs]) are rarely …
Docetaxel versus active symptom control for refractory oesophagogastric adenocarcinoma (COUGAR-02): an open-label, phase 3 randomised controlled trial
HER Ford, A Marshall, JA Bridgewater… - The lancet …, 2014 -
Background Second-line chemotherapy for patients with oesophagogastric adenocarcinoma
refractory to platinum and fluoropyrimidines has not shown benefits in health-related quality …
refractory to platinum and fluoropyrimidines has not shown benefits in health-related quality …
Worry, risk perception, and controllability predict intentions toward COVID-19 preventive behaviors
The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 has already had serious worldwide health, socio-
economic, political, and educational consequences. In the present study, we investigated …
economic, political, and educational consequences. In the present study, we investigated …
The importance of patient-reported outcomes: a call for their comprehensive integration in cardiovascular clinical trials
Abstract Patient-reported outcomes (PROs), such as symptoms, health-related quality of life
(HRQOL), or patient perceived health status, are reported directly by the patient and are …
(HRQOL), or patient perceived health status, are reported directly by the patient and are …
[KNYGA][B] Shared decision-making in health care: Achieving evidence-based patient choice
A Edwards, G Elwyn - 2009 -
When the first edition of this book came out in 2001 (under the title Evidence-based Patient
Choice: Inevitable or Impossible?), it examined the emerging themes of patient choice and …
Choice: Inevitable or Impossible?), it examined the emerging themes of patient choice and …
The applications of PROs in clinical practice: what are they, do they work, and why?
J Greenhalgh - Quality of Life Research, 2009 - Springer
Background Precisely defining the different applications of patient-reported outcome
measures (PROs) in clinical practice can be difficult. This is because the intervention is …
measures (PROs) in clinical practice can be difficult. This is because the intervention is …
The impact of the format of graphical presentation on health-related knowledge and treatment choices
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the ability of six graph formats to impart knowledge about
treatment risks/benefits to low and high numeracy individuals. METHODS: Participants were …
treatment risks/benefits to low and high numeracy individuals. METHODS: Participants were …
Who proficts from visual aids: Overcoming challenges in people's understanding of risks
R Garcia-Retamero, M Galesic - Social science & medicine, 2010 - Elsevier
Many people have difficulties gras** numerical concepts that are prerequisites for
understanding treatment risk reduction. Visual aids have been proposed as a promising …
understanding treatment risk reduction. Visual aids have been proposed as a promising …
Impact of short-course preoperative radiotherapy for rectal cancer on patients' quality of life: data from the Medical Research Council CR07/National Cancer Institute of …
RJ Stephens, LC Thompson, P Quirke… - Journal of clinical …, 2010 -
Purpose The Medical Research Council CR07/National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical
Trials Group C016 (MRC CR07/NCIC CTG C016) trial showed that, in patients with operable …
Trials Group C016 (MRC CR07/NCIC CTG C016) trial showed that, in patients with operable …