[ספר][B] Exploration of a theory of internal audit

WHA Swinkels - 2012‏ - books.google.com
" Scandals have undermined investor confidence in the management of firms and drawn
global attention to how Management Boards of public firms are in-control of their operations …

Shared service centers: From cost savings to new ways of value creation and business administration

J Strikwerda - Shared services as a new organizational form, 2014‏ - emerald.com
Shared Service Centers: From Cost Savings to New Ways of Value Creation and Business
Administration | Emerald Insight Books and journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open Access …

The power of one: towards the new integrated organisation

A Campbell, H Strikwerda - Journal of Business Strategy, 2013‏ - emerald.com
Purpose–This paper seeks to address the problem facing complex multinational companies:
how to balance their organisation structure across the competing interests such as product …

The research of implementing enterprise financial shared service center information system

Q Yao, A Hu, T Huang, J Hu - 2012 International Conference on …, 2012‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This thesis discusses the implementation process of large-scale enterprises financial shared
service center information system, including the construction of network reimbursement …

Organization design in the 21st Century: From structure follows strategy to process follows proposition

J Strikwerda - Available at SSRN 2002236, 2012‏ - papers.ssrn.com
Organization design is the discipline within the field of organization theory and management
theory aimed at creating efficient organizations of firms. In the twentieth century organization …

Competing on information: An exploration of concepts

J Strikwerda - Available at SSRN 1973575, 2011‏ - papers.ssrn.com
In the literature for strategic management a number of authors have explained in which ways
information and communication technology (ICT) is being deployed in the strategy of the …

Understanding infocracies: Trends in the transformation of organizations

A Zuurmond - Public administration in the information age …, 2012‏ - ebooks.iospress.nl
In the transition from the postindustrial society to the information society the ideal type of the
rational legal bureaucracy, itself an artefact of the industrial age, begins to lose its heuristic …

Strategy execution: an integrative perspective and method for the knowledge-based economy

J Strikwerda - Available at SSRN 2934415, 2017‏ - papers.ssrn.com
Within the field of business administration, in research and in the practice of business, the
issue of strategy execution lacks a generally accepted paradigm. Strategy execution so far …

How to combine a group strategy with subsidiary governance?

J Strikwerda - Available at SSRN 1426806, 2009‏ - papers.ssrn.com
The traditional policy of most multinational corporations (MNC) with respect to their
subsidiary boards was or even still is to reduce these boards through composition …

Information and Complexity

J Strikwerda - … Complexity in Business: Understanding, Concepts and …, 2023‏ - Springer
Complexity cannot be dealt with without a proper organization of information. Information
reduces entropy while maintaining the state of complexity. This organization of information …