Speech aging: Production and perception
In this overview we describe literature on how speech production and speech perception
change in healthy or normal aging across the adult lifespan. In the production section we …
change in healthy or normal aging across the adult lifespan. In the production section we …
Age and gender differences in Belgian Dutch intonation
C Leyns, T Papeleu, T Feryn, S De Baer, K Bettens… - Journal of Voice, 2024 - Elsevier
Purpose This study investigated whether intonation is influenced by age and gender and
obtained normative data for the intonation of Flemish (Belgian Dutch) speaking cis women …
obtained normative data for the intonation of Flemish (Belgian Dutch) speaking cis women …
Age effects on linguistic prosody in coordinates produced to varying interlocutors: Comparison of younger and older speakers
C Huttenlauch, M Hansen, C de Beer… - Prosodic boundary …, 2023 - books.google.com
Linguistic prosody, as in prosodic boundaries, can be used to resolve syntactic ambiguities.
Such syntactic ambiguities exist in coordinated sequences of more than two elements (eg …
Such syntactic ambiguities exist in coordinated sequences of more than two elements (eg …
[PDF][PDF] Speaker age effects on prosodic patterns in Bulgarian
Sun, recorded by two groups of six female speakers aged between 19-23 and 79-88 years,
we found significant differences in pitch span, minimum F0, syllable, intonation phrase and …
we found significant differences in pitch span, minimum F0, syllable, intonation phrase and …
Production of voice onset time (VOT) by senior Polish learners of English
J Sypiańska - Open Linguistics, 2021 - degruyter.com
Although research on foreign language learning among seniors has recently accelerated,
studies on L2 phonology in this age group remain scarce. Seniors may be at a great …
studies on L2 phonology in this age group remain scarce. Seniors may be at a great …
[PDF][PDF] A spontán beszéd szegmentálása produkciós és percepciós szempontból
V Viola - 2013 - doktori.btk.elte.hu
A beszédkutatás egyik alapkérdése, hogy milyen egységekre tagolható a folyamatos
spontán beszéd, és milyen akusztikai fonetikai paraméterek mentén különölnek el …
spontán beszéd, és milyen akusztikai fonetikai paraméterek mentén különölnek el …
[PDF][PDF] Estonian elderly speech corpus–design, collection and preliminary acoustic analysis
Elderly speech has been found challenging for automatic speech recognition systems due to
the lack of suitable training data and due to age-related physiological changes affecting the …
the lack of suitable training data and due to age-related physiological changes affecting the …
[PDF][PDF] Az f0-jellemzők felolvasásban és spontán beszédben
TE Gráczi, V Krepsz, A Markó… - Alkalmazott …, 2019 - alkalmazottnyelvtudomany.hu
A large number of studies investigated the differences in f0 characteristics between reading
aloud (RA) and spontaneous speech (SpS) in various languages. Their basic assumption …
aloud (RA) and spontaneous speech (SpS) in various languages. Their basic assumption …
Individual variability in production and comprehension of prosodically disambiguated structural ambiguities
C Huttenlauch - 2023 - publishup.uni-potsdam.de
Strings of words can correspond to more than one interpretation or underlying structure,
which makes them ambiguous. Prosody can be used to resolve this structural ambiguity …
which makes them ambiguous. Prosody can be used to resolve this structural ambiguity …
[HTML][HTML] logo Speech Prosody Studies Group SPSG
R Simulator, G Gagliardi - gepf.falar.org
What is “voice quality”? John Laver, a pioneer in the study of voice quality, describes voice
quality as changes in the general sounding of one's voice, the “overall, auditory coloring of …
quality as changes in the general sounding of one's voice, the “overall, auditory coloring of …