Evaluation and comparison of spatial cluster detection methods for improved decision making of disease surveillance: a case study of national dengue surveillance in …

C Rotejanaprasert, K Chinpong, AB Lawson… - BMC Medical Research …, 2024 - Springer
Background Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease that causes over 300 million infections
worldwide each year with no specific treatment available. Effective surveillance systems are …

Getting personal: how childhood vaccination policies shape the landscape of vaccine exemptions

R Garnier, ER Nedell, SB Omer… - Open forum infectious …, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Background State-mandated school entry immunization requirements in the United States
play an important role in achieving high vaccine coverage, but variations in vaccine …

[HTML][HTML] Epidemic characteristics, spatiotemporal pattern, and risk factors of other infectious diarrhea in Fujian Province from 2005 to 2021: retrospective analysis

Y Lu, H Zhu, Z Hu, F He, G Chen - JMIR public health and surveillance, 2023 - jmir.org
Background: Other infectious diarrhea (OID) continues to pose a significant public health
threat to all age groups in Fujian Province. There is a need for an in-depth analysis to …

Comparing geospatial clustering methods to study spatial patterns of lung cancer rates in urban areas: A case study in Mashhad, Iran

B Kiani, M Fatima, NH Amin, A Hesami - GeoJournal, 2023 - Springer
Geospatial clustering methods play a significant role in identifying high-risk areas in terms of
cancers rate. This study aims to compare three different spatial clustering approaches in …

Spatiotemporal clusters and the socioeconomic determinants of COVID-19 in Toronto neighbourhoods, Canada

N Nazia, J Law, ZA Butt - Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 2022 - Elsevier
The aim of this study is to identify spatiotemporal clusters and the socioeconomic drivers of
COVID-19 in Toronto. Geographical, epidemiological, and socioeconomic data from the 140 …

Prevalence of hypertension in Thailand: Hotspot clustering detected by spatial analysis

W Laohasiriwong, N Puttanapong… - Geospatial …, 2018 - geospatialhealth.net
Spatial pattern detection can be a useful tool for understanding the geographical distribution
of hypertension (HT). The aim of this study was to apply the technique of local indicators of …

Tuberculosis in Aceh Province, Indonesia: a spatial epidemiological study covering the period 2019–2021

F Fahdhienie, FY Sitepu, EB Depari - Geospatial Health, 2024 - geospatialhealth.net
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there were any TB clusters in Aceh
Province, Indonesia and their temporal distribution during the period of 2019–2021. A …

Geographic hot spots of kidney transplant candidates wait‐listed post‐dialysis

RB Buchalter, AM Huml, ED Poggio… - Clinical …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Introduction Preemptive wait‐listing of deceased donor kidney transplant (DDKT) candidates
before maintenance dialysis increases the likelihood of transplantation and improves …

Spatial data modeling on GIS for classification of measles-prone region using multiple attribute decision making

AV Vitianingsih, A Choiron… - International …, 2018 - repository.unitomo.ac.id
Indonesia is a country that has a tropical climate, so that many typical tropical climate
diseases emerge. This disease is caused by viruses and parasites that breed during the dry …

Using Moran's I for detection and monitoring of the Covid-19 spreading stage in Thailand during the third wave of the pandemic

P Wetchayont, K Waiyasusri - Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 2021 - ges.rgo.ru
Spatial distribution and spreading patterns of COVID-19 in Thailand were investigated in this
study for the 1 April–23 July 2021 period by analyzing COVID-19 incidence's spatial …