Hydrodynamic modelling of marine renewable energy devices: A state of the art review
This paper reviews key issues in the physical and numerical modelling of marine renewable
energy systems, including wave energy devices, current turbines, and offshore wind …
energy systems, including wave energy devices, current turbines, and offshore wind …
Designing large arrays of tidal turbines: A synthesis and review
Much of the global tidal current energy resource lies in the accelerated flows along narrow
channels. These channels have the potential to produce 10–1000 s of MW of electricity …
channels. These channels have the potential to produce 10–1000 s of MW of electricity …
Experimental study of the turbulence intensity effects on marine current turbines behaviour. Part I: One single turbine
The ambient turbulence intensity in the upstream flow plays a decisive role in the behaviour
of horizontal axis marine current turbines. Experimental trials, run in the IFREMER flume …
of horizontal axis marine current turbines. Experimental trials, run in the IFREMER flume …
Experimental study of the turbulence intensity effects on marine current turbines behaviour. Part II: Two interacting turbines
The future implantation of second generation marine current turbine arrays depends on the
understanding of the negative interaction effects that exist between turbines in close …
understanding of the negative interaction effects that exist between turbines in close …
[HTML][HTML] Experimental study of wake structure behind a horizontal axis tidal stream turbine
Y Chen, B Lin, J Lin, S Wang - Applied energy, 2017 - Elsevier
A detailed experimental investigation of the wake propagation behind a horizontal axis
turbine with three blades was conducted in a recirculating water flume. An Acoustic Doppler …
turbine with three blades was conducted in a recirculating water flume. An Acoustic Doppler …
Near-wake characteristics of a model horizontal axis tidal stream turbine
SC Tedds, I Owen, RJ Poole - Renewable Energy, 2014 - Elsevier
The results of a detailed experimental investigation of the near-wake (up to seven turbine
diameters downstream) of a model horizontal axis tidal turbine (HATT) device in a large …
diameters downstream) of a model horizontal axis tidal turbine (HATT) device in a large …
Flume tank characterization of marine current turbine blade behaviour under current and wave loading
B Gaurier, P Davies, A Deuff, G Germain - Renewable Energy, 2013 - Elsevier
The long term reliability of tidal turbines is critical if these structures are to be cost-effective.
Optimized design requires a combination of material durability models and structural …
Optimized design requires a combination of material durability models and structural …
Three tidal turbines in interaction: An experimental study of turbulence intensity effects on wakes and turbine performance
The development of marine current turbine arrays depends on the understanding of the
interaction effects that exist between turbines in close proximity. Moreover, the ambient …
interaction effects that exist between turbines in close proximity. Moreover, the ambient …
Recovery in the wake of in-line axial-flow rotors
The flow around the rotor of an axial turbine, operating in the wake of an upstream one, is
resolved using large-eddy simulation on a cylindrical grid consisting of 3.8 billion points …
resolved using large-eddy simulation on a cylindrical grid consisting of 3.8 billion points …
[HTML][HTML] 2002–2012: 10 years of research progress in horizontal-axis marine current turbines
KW Ng, WH Lam, KC Ng - Energies, 2013 - mdpi.com
Research in marine current energy, including tidal and ocean currents, has undergone
significant growth in the past decade. The horizontal-axis marine current turbine is one of the …
significant growth in the past decade. The horizontal-axis marine current turbine is one of the …