Disability and employment–overview and highlights

K Vornholt, P Villotti, B Muschalla, J Bauer… - European journal of …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Due to the expected decline in the working-age population, especially in European
countries, people with disabilities are now more often recognized as a valuable resource in …

Preference for competitive employment in people with mental disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis of proportions

C Adamus, D Richter, K Sutor, SJ Zürcher… - Journal of occupational …, 2024 - Springer
Purpose The inclusion of people with mental disorders (MD) into competitive employment
has become an important political and therapeutic goal. The present paper investigates …

Work accommodations and natural supports for employees with severe mental illness in social businesses: An international comparison

P Villotti, M Corbière, E Fossey, F Fraccaroli… - … mental health journal, 2017 - Springer
Little is known about the types of work accommodations and natural supports that are useful
for people experiencing severe mental illness working in social businesses. We conducted …

Develo** open employment outcomes for people with an intellectual disability utilising a Social Enterprise Framework

P Smith, KR McVilly, J McGillivray… - Journal of Vocational …, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
BACKGROUND: Workplace participation for people with ID is a major policy issue, with both
economic and social imperatives. Policy reforms in Australia associated with the …

A serial mediation model of workplace social support on work productivity: the role of self-stigma and job tenure self-efficacy in people with severe mental disorders

P Villotti, M Corbière, CS Dewa… - Disability and …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Purpose: Compared to groups with other disabilities, people with a severe mental illness
face the greatest stigma and barriers to employment opportunities. This study contributes to …

[HTML][HTML] Working conditions in social firms and health promotion interventions in relation to employees' health and work-related outcomes—a sco** review

AC Kordsmeyer, JC Lengen, N Kiepe, V Harth… - International journal of …, 2020 - mdpi.com
Background: Social firms—a type of social enterprise—offer people with severe disabilities
the possibility of employment and integration into the labor market. Since 01 January 2018 …

Work productivity of people with a psychiatric disability working in social firms

M Corbière, S Zaniboni, CS Dewa, P Villotti… - Work, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
BACKGROUND: Several factors impact work productivity in employees with a psychiatric
condition. OBJECTIVE: In the context of social firms (SFs) the goal of this study is to test a …

When social enterprises do it better: efficiency and efficacy of work integration in Italian social cooperatives

C Borzaga, S Depedri - Social enterprise, 2013 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Social enterprise is not new. In the UK Thomas Firmin (1632-97) provided employment for
London's tradesmen thrown out of work as a result of the plague of 1665. Later, and more …

Job tenure and quality of work life of people with psychiatric disabilities working in social enterprises

N Lanctôt, M Corbière… - Journal of Vocational …, 2012 - content.iospress.com
Psychiatric disabilities may impact employment outcomes, particularly job tenure. However,
little is known about the role of quality of work life (QWL) on an individual's ability to maintain …

L'inclusione efficiente: l'esperienza delle cooperative sociali di inserimento lavorativo

S Depedri - 2012 - torrossa.com
In questo momento di ripensamento e ricalibrazione delle politiche e di riforma del lavoro, i
risultati che emergono dall'analisi di uno degli interventi più “storici” messi in atto …