Attosecond spectroscopy for the investigation of ultrafast dynamics in atomic, molecular and solid-state physics
Since the first demonstration of the generation of attosecond pulses (1 as= 10− 18 s) in the
extreme-ultraviolet spectral region, several measurement techniques have been introduced …
extreme-ultraviolet spectral region, several measurement techniques have been introduced …
Attosecond electron dynamics in molecules
Advances in attosecond science have led to a wealth of important discoveries in atomic,
molecular, and solid-state physics and are progressively directing their footsteps toward …
molecular, and solid-state physics and are progressively directing their footsteps toward …
Advances in attosecond science
Attosecond science offers formidable tools for the investigation of electronic processes at the
heart of important physical processes in atomic, molecular and solid-state physics. In the last …
heart of important physical processes in atomic, molecular and solid-state physics. In the last …
Ultrafast electron dynamics in phenylalanine initiated by attosecond pulses
In the past decade, attosecond technology has opened up the investigation of ultrafast
electronic processes in atoms, simple molecules, and solids. Here, we report the application …
electronic processes in atoms, simple molecules, and solids. Here, we report the application …
Attosecond physics at the nanoscale
MF Ciappina, JA Pérez-Hernández… - Reports on Progress …, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
Recently two emerging areas of research, attosecond and nanoscale physics, have started
to come together. Attosecond physics deals with phenomena occurring when ultrashort laser …
to come together. Attosecond physics deals with phenomena occurring when ultrashort laser …
Attosecond chronoscopy of photoemission
Recent advances in the generation of well-characterized subfemtosecond laser pulses have
opened up unpredicted opportunities for the real-time observation of ultrafast electronic …
opened up unpredicted opportunities for the real-time observation of ultrafast electronic …
High-harmonic generation from Bloch electrons in solids
We study the generation of high-harmonic radiation by Bloch electrons in a model
transparent solid driven by a strong midinfrared laser field. We solve the single-electron time …
transparent solid driven by a strong midinfrared laser field. We solve the single-electron time …
Nobel lecture: Sub-atomic motions
F Krausz - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2024 - APS
The written version of my lecture is a personal reflection on decades of research on electron-
light interactions, culminating in their control and observation in real time at the turn of the …
light interactions, culminating in their control and observation in real time at the turn of the …
Symphony on strong field approximation
This paper has been prepared by the Symphony collaboration (University of Warsaw,
Uniwersytet Jagielloński, DESY/CNR and ICFO) on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of …
Uniwersytet Jagielloński, DESY/CNR and ICFO) on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of …
Attosecond metrology: from electron capture to future signal processing
The accurate measurement of time lies at the heart of experimental science, and is relevant
to everyday life. Extending chronoscopy to ever shorter timescales has been the key to …
to everyday life. Extending chronoscopy to ever shorter timescales has been the key to …