Attosecond spectroscopy for the investigation of ultrafast dynamics in atomic, molecular and solid-state physics

R Borrego-Varillas, M Lucchini… - Reports on Progress in …, 2022 -
Since the first demonstration of the generation of attosecond pulses (1 as= 10− 18 s) in the
extreme-ultraviolet spectral region, several measurement techniques have been introduced …

Attosecond electron dynamics in molecules

M Nisoli, P Decleva, F Calegari, A Palacios… - Chemical …, 2017 - ACS Publications
Advances in attosecond science have led to a wealth of important discoveries in atomic,
molecular, and solid-state physics and are progressively directing their footsteps toward …

Advances in attosecond science

F Calegari, G Sansone, S Stagira… - Journal of Physics B …, 2016 -
Attosecond science offers formidable tools for the investigation of electronic processes at the
heart of important physical processes in atomic, molecular and solid-state physics. In the last …

Ultrafast electron dynamics in phenylalanine initiated by attosecond pulses

F Calegari, D Ayuso, A Trabattoni, L Belshaw… - Science, 2014 -
In the past decade, attosecond technology has opened up the investigation of ultrafast
electronic processes in atoms, simple molecules, and solids. Here, we report the application …

Attosecond physics at the nanoscale

MF Ciappina, JA Pérez-Hernández… - Reports on Progress …, 2017 -
Recently two emerging areas of research, attosecond and nanoscale physics, have started
to come together. Attosecond physics deals with phenomena occurring when ultrashort laser …

Attosecond chronoscopy of photoemission

R Pazourek, S Nagele, J Burgdörfer - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2015 - APS
Recent advances in the generation of well-characterized subfemtosecond laser pulses have
opened up unpredicted opportunities for the real-time observation of ultrafast electronic …

High-harmonic generation from Bloch electrons in solids

M Wu, S Ghimire, DA Reis, KJ Schafer, MB Gaarde - Physical Review A, 2015 - APS
We study the generation of high-harmonic radiation by Bloch electrons in a model
transparent solid driven by a strong midinfrared laser field. We solve the single-electron time …

Nobel lecture: Sub-atomic motions

F Krausz - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2024 - APS
The written version of my lecture is a personal reflection on decades of research on electron-
light interactions, culminating in their control and observation in real time at the turn of the …

Symphony on strong field approximation

K Amini, J Biegert, F Calegari, A Chacón… - Reports on Progress …, 2019 -
This paper has been prepared by the Symphony collaboration (University of Warsaw,
Uniwersytet Jagielloński, DESY/CNR and ICFO) on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of …

Attosecond metrology: from electron capture to future signal processing

F Krausz, MI Stockman - Nature Photonics, 2014 -
The accurate measurement of time lies at the heart of experimental science, and is relevant
to everyday life. Extending chronoscopy to ever shorter timescales has been the key to …