Probing electron-hole weights of an Andreev bound state by transient currents

Z Cao, G Zhang, H Zhang, WX He, C Zeng, K He… - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
Andreev bound states (ABSs) are localized quantum states that contain both electron and
hole components. They ubiquitously reside in inhomogeneous superconducting systems …

Quantum transport through a quantum dot side-coupled to a Majorana bound state pair in the presence of electron-phonon interaction

L Máthé, D Sticlet, LP Zârbo - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
We theoretically study quantum transport through a quantum dot coupled to Majorana bound
states confined at the ends of a topological superconducting nanowire. The topological …

Strongly correlated electrons in superconducting islands with fluctuating Cooper pairs

TF Fang, AM Guo, QF Sun - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
We present a particle-number-conserving theory for many-body effects in mesoscopic
superconducting islands connected to normal electrodes, which explicitly includes quantum …

Quasiparticles of a periodically driven quantum dot coupled between superconducting and normal leads

B Baran, T Domański - Physical Review B, 2019 - APS
We investigate subgap quasiparticles of a quantum dot coupled to the superconducting and
normal leads, whose energy level is periodically driven by an external potential. Using the …

Phonon-assisted Andreev reflection at a Majorana zero mode

N Dai, QF Sun - Physical Review B, 2019 - APS
One of the typical features of a Majorana zero mode (MZM) at the end of a topological
superconductor is a zero-bias peak in the tunneling spectroscopy of the normal-lead …

Nonequilibrium Kondo effect by the equilibrium numerical renormalization group method: The hybrid Anderson model subject to a finite spin bias

TF Fang, AM Guo, QF Sun - Physical Review B, 2018 - APS
We investigate Kondo correlations in a quantum dot with normal and superconducting
electrodes, where a spin bias voltage is applied across the device and the local interaction …

Transport through several four-quantum-dot topological structures

Q Zhi, K Chen, Z He - Modern Physics Letters B, 2021 - World Scientific
In this paper, several four-quantum-dot topological structures are designed. The influence of
the interdot coupling strength and intradot Coulomb interactions on the conductance is …

Counting Statistics in Superconducting Nanojunctions

R Seoane Souto - Quench Dynamics in Interacting and Superconducting …, 2020 - Springer
Charge and current fluctuations contain a more complete information about the system
transport properties than the single particle observables themselves. In this section we use a …