Probing electron-hole weights of an Andreev bound state by transient currents
Andreev bound states (ABSs) are localized quantum states that contain both electron and
hole components. They ubiquitously reside in inhomogeneous superconducting systems …
hole components. They ubiquitously reside in inhomogeneous superconducting systems …
Quantum transport through a quantum dot side-coupled to a Majorana bound state pair in the presence of electron-phonon interaction
We theoretically study quantum transport through a quantum dot coupled to Majorana bound
states confined at the ends of a topological superconducting nanowire. The topological …
states confined at the ends of a topological superconducting nanowire. The topological …
Strongly correlated electrons in superconducting islands with fluctuating Cooper pairs
We present a particle-number-conserving theory for many-body effects in mesoscopic
superconducting islands connected to normal electrodes, which explicitly includes quantum …
superconducting islands connected to normal electrodes, which explicitly includes quantum …
Quasiparticles of a periodically driven quantum dot coupled between superconducting and normal leads
B Baran, T Domański - Physical Review B, 2019 - APS
We investigate subgap quasiparticles of a quantum dot coupled to the superconducting and
normal leads, whose energy level is periodically driven by an external potential. Using the …
normal leads, whose energy level is periodically driven by an external potential. Using the …
Phonon-assisted Andreev reflection at a Majorana zero mode
One of the typical features of a Majorana zero mode (MZM) at the end of a topological
superconductor is a zero-bias peak in the tunneling spectroscopy of the normal-lead …
superconductor is a zero-bias peak in the tunneling spectroscopy of the normal-lead …
Nonequilibrium Kondo effect by the equilibrium numerical renormalization group method: The hybrid Anderson model subject to a finite spin bias
We investigate Kondo correlations in a quantum dot with normal and superconducting
electrodes, where a spin bias voltage is applied across the device and the local interaction …
electrodes, where a spin bias voltage is applied across the device and the local interaction …
Transport through several four-quantum-dot topological structures
Q Zhi, K Chen, Z He - Modern Physics Letters B, 2021 - World Scientific
In this paper, several four-quantum-dot topological structures are designed. The influence of
the interdot coupling strength and intradot Coulomb interactions on the conductance is …
the interdot coupling strength and intradot Coulomb interactions on the conductance is …
Counting Statistics in Superconducting Nanojunctions
R Seoane Souto - Quench Dynamics in Interacting and Superconducting …, 2020 - Springer
Charge and current fluctuations contain a more complete information about the system
transport properties than the single particle observables themselves. In this section we use a …
transport properties than the single particle observables themselves. In this section we use a …