Scientists' warning on climate change and insects
Climate warming is considered to be among the most serious of anthropogenic stresses to
the environment, because it not only has direct effects on biodiversity, but it also exacerbates …
the environment, because it not only has direct effects on biodiversity, but it also exacerbates …
Interconnecting global threats: climate change, biodiversity loss, and infectious diseases
The concurrent pressures of rising global temperatures, rates and incidence of species
decline, and emergence of infectious diseases represent an unprecedented planetary crisis …
decline, and emergence of infectious diseases represent an unprecedented planetary crisis …
Bottom-up forces in agroecosystems and their potential impact on arthropod pest management
Bottom-up effects are major ecological forces in crop–arthropod pest–natural enemy
multitrophic interactions. Over the past two decades, bottom-up effects have been …
multitrophic interactions. Over the past two decades, bottom-up effects have been …
Survive a warming climate: insect responses to extreme high temperatures
Global change includes a substantial increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme high
temperatures (EHTs), which influence insects at almost all levels. The number of studies …
temperatures (EHTs), which influence insects at almost all levels. The number of studies …
Climate change‐mediated temperature extremes and insects: from outbreaks to breakdowns
Insects are among the most diverse and widespread animals across the biosphere and are
well‐known for their contributions to ecosystem functioning and services. Recent increases …
well‐known for their contributions to ecosystem functioning and services. Recent increases …
Meta-analysis reveals less sensitivity of non-native animals than natives to extreme weather worldwide
Extreme weather events (EWEs; for example, heatwaves, cold spells, storms, floods and
droughts) and non-native species invasions are two major threats to global biodiversity and …
droughts) and non-native species invasions are two major threats to global biodiversity and …
Impact of climate change on biology and management of wheat pests
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production is vital to global food security. Climate change is
threatening sustainable wheat production not only with direct negative effects on crop …
threatening sustainable wheat production not only with direct negative effects on crop …
How climate change affects the seasonal ecology of insect parasitoids
1. In the context of global change, modifications in winter conditions may disrupt the
seasonal phenology patterns of organisms, modify the synchrony of closely interacting …
seasonal phenology patterns of organisms, modify the synchrony of closely interacting …
Interactive effects of warming, eutrophication and size structure: impacts on biodiversity and food‐web structure
Warming and eutrophication are two of the most important global change stressors for
natural ecosystems, but their interaction is poorly understood. We used a dynamic model of …
natural ecosystems, but their interaction is poorly understood. We used a dynamic model of …
Extreme temperature events alter demographic rates, relative fitness, and community structure
The frequency and magnitude of extreme events are predicted to increase under future
climate change. Despite recent advancements, we still lack a detailed understanding of how …
climate change. Despite recent advancements, we still lack a detailed understanding of how …