Penet: Towards precise and efficient image guided depth completion
Image guided depth completion is the task of generating a dense depth map from a sparse
depth map and a high quality image. In this task, how to fuse the color and depth modalities …
depth map and a high quality image. In this task, how to fuse the color and depth modalities …
Deep depth completion of a single rgb-d image
The goal of our work is to complete the depth channel of an RGB-D image. Commodity-
grade depth cameras often fail to sense depth for shiny, bright, transparent, and distant …
grade depth cameras often fail to sense depth for shiny, bright, transparent, and distant …
Depth completion from sparse lidar data with depth-normal constraints
Depth completion aims to recover dense depth maps from sparse depth measurements. It is
of increasing importance for autonomous driving and draws increasing attention from the …
of increasing importance for autonomous driving and draws increasing attention from the …
Cspn++: Learning context and resource aware convolutional spatial propagation networks for depth completion
Depth Completion deals with the problem of converting a sparse depth map to a dense one,
given the corresponding color image. Convolutional spatial propagation network (CSPN) is …
given the corresponding color image. Convolutional spatial propagation network (CSPN) is …
Guided depth super-resolution by deep anisotropic diffusion
Performing super-resolution of a depth image using the guidance from an RGB image is a
problem that concerns several fields, such as robotics, medical imaging, and remote …
problem that concerns several fields, such as robotics, medical imaging, and remote …
Costdcnet: Cost volume based depth completion for a single rgb-d image
Successful depth completion from a single RGB-D image requires both extracting plentiful
2D and 3D features and merging these heterogeneous features appropriately. We propose …
2D and 3D features and merging these heterogeneous features appropriately. We propose …
Indoor depth completion with boundary consistency and self-attention
Depth estimation features are helpful for 3D recognition. Commodity-grade depth cameras
are able to capture depth and color image in real-time. However, glossy, transparent or …
are able to capture depth and color image in real-time. However, glossy, transparent or …
Indepth: Real-time depth inpainting for mobile augmented reality
Mobile Augmented Reality (AR) demands realistic rendering of virtual content that
seamlessly blends into the physical environment. For this reason, AR headsets and recent …
seamlessly blends into the physical environment. For this reason, AR headsets and recent …
Depth map artefacts reduction: A review
Depth maps are crucial for many visual applications, where they represent the positioning
information of the objects in a three‐dimensional scene. Usually, depth maps can be …
information of the objects in a three‐dimensional scene. Usually, depth maps can be …
Beyond image to depth: Improving depth prediction using echoes
We address the problem of estimating depth with multi modal audio visual data. Inspired by
the ability of animals, such as bats and dolphins, to infer distance of objects with …
the ability of animals, such as bats and dolphins, to infer distance of objects with …