Polarons, dressed molecules and itinerant ferromagnetism in ultracold Fermi gases
In this review, we discuss the properties of a few impurity atoms immersed in a gas of
ultracold fermions—the so-called Fermi polaron problem. On one hand, this many-body …
ultracold fermions—the so-called Fermi polaron problem. On one hand, this many-body …
Metallic quantum ferromagnets
An overview of quantum phase transitions (QPTs) in metallic ferromagnets, discussing both
experimental and theoretical aspects, is given. These QPTs can be classified with respect to …
experimental and theoretical aspects, is given. These QPTs can be classified with respect to …
Fermi polaron-polaritons in charge-tunable atomically thin semiconductors
The dynamics of a mobile quantum impurity in a degenerate Fermi system is a fundamental
problem in many-body physics. The interest in this field has been renewed due to recent …
problem in many-body physics. The interest in this field has been renewed due to recent …
Metastability and coherence of repulsive polarons in a strongly interacting Fermi mixture
Ultracold Fermi gases with tunable interactions provide a test bed for exploring the many-
body physics of strongly interacting quantum systems,,,. Over the past decade, experiments …
body physics of strongly interacting quantum systems,,,. Over the past decade, experiments …
Attractive and repulsive Fermi polarons in two dimensions
The dynamics of a single impurity in an environment is a fundamental problem in many-body
physics. In the solid state, a well known case is an impurity coupled to a bosonic bath (such …
physics. In the solid state, a well known case is an impurity coupled to a bosonic bath (such …
Repulsive Fermi Polarons in a Resonant Mixture of Ultracold Atoms
We employ radio-frequency spectroscopy to investigate a polarized spin mixture of ultracold
Li 6 atoms close to a broad Feshbach scattering resonance. Focusing on the regime of …
Li 6 atoms close to a broad Feshbach scattering resonance. Focusing on the regime of …
Ultracold Fermi gases with emergent SU (N) symmetry
We review recent experimental and theoretical progress on ultracold alkaline-earth Fermi
gases with emergent SU (N) symmetry. Emphasis is placed on describing the ground …
gases with emergent SU (N) symmetry. Emphasis is placed on describing the ground …
Quantum mixtures of ultracold gases of neutral atoms
After decades of improvements in cooling techniques of several atomic species and in
finding methods for the achievement of stable quantum mixtures, the field is now ready for …
finding methods for the achievement of stable quantum mixtures, the field is now ready for …
Itinerant ferromagnetism in a Fermi gas of ultracold atoms
Can a gas of spin-up and spin-down fermions become ferromagnetic because of repulsive
interactions? We addressed this question, for which there is not yet a definitive theoretical …
interactions? We addressed this question, for which there is not yet a definitive theoretical …
Ultracold gases of ytterbium: ferromagnetism and Mott states in an SU (6) Fermi system
It is argued that an ultracold quantum degenerate gas of ytterbium 173 Yb atoms having
nuclear spin I= 5/2 exhibits an enlarged SU (6) symmetry. Within the Landau Fermi liquid …
nuclear spin I= 5/2 exhibits an enlarged SU (6) symmetry. Within the Landau Fermi liquid …