Investigating and modeling the dynamics of long ties
Long ties, the social ties that bridge different communities, are widely believed to play crucial
roles in spreading novel information in social networks. However, some existing network …
roles in spreading novel information in social networks. However, some existing network …
Behavioral communities and the atomic structure of networks
MO Jackson, EC Storms - arxiv preprint arxiv:1710.04656, 2017 - arxiv.org
When people prefer to coordinate their behaviors with their friends--eg, choosing whether to
adopt a new technology, to protest against a government, to attend university--divisions …
adopt a new technology, to protest against a government, to attend university--divisions …
How does network structure impact socially reinforced diffusion?
JG Sassine, H Rahmandad - Organization Science, 2024 - pubsonline.informs.org
How does network structure impact the speed and reach of social contagions? The current
view holds that random links facilitate “simple” contagion, but when agents require multiple …
view holds that random links facilitate “simple” contagion, but when agents require multiple …
[PDF][PDF] Tendencies toward triadic closure: Field-experimental evidence
Empirical social networks are characterized by a high degree of triadic closure (ie transitivity,
clustering), whereby network neighbors of the same individual are also likely to be directly …
clustering), whereby network neighbors of the same individual are also likely to be directly …
Strong long ties facilitate epidemic containment on mobility networks
J Mou, S Tan, J Zhang, B Sai, M Wang, B Dai… - PNAS …, 2024 - academic.oup.com
The analysis of connection strengths and distances in the mobility network is pivotal for
delineating critical pathways, particularly in the context of epidemic propagation. Local …
delineating critical pathways, particularly in the context of epidemic propagation. Local …
Using Physicians' Affiliations to Build Hospital Networks: Local Clustering and the COVID-19 Pandemic
The paper studies hospital networks where edges represent physicians' affiliated with
multiple hospitals. Using data from the universe of hospitals in the Brazilian healthcare …
multiple hospitals. Using data from the universe of hospitals in the Brazilian healthcare …
When Randomness Beats Redundancy: Insights into the Diffusion of Complex Contagions
How does social network structure amplify or stifle behavior diffusion? Existing theory
suggests that when social reinforcement makes the adoption of behavior more likely, it …
suggests that when social reinforcement makes the adoption of behavior more likely, it …
Speed vs resilience in contagion
We highlight a trade-off between speed (the rate at which behaviours propagate in the
population) and resilience (the measure of initial adopters required for spreading) in models …
population) and resilience (the measure of initial adopters required for spreading) in models …
Social network structure and the spread of complex contagions from a population genetics perspective
Ideas, behaviors, and opinions spread through social networks. If the probability of
spreading to a new individual is a nonlinear function of the fraction of the individuals' …
spreading to a new individual is a nonlinear function of the fraction of the individuals' …
Inoculation strategies for bounded degree graphs
We analyze a game-theoretic abstraction of epidemic containment played on an undirected
graph $ G $: each player is associated with a node in $ G $ and can either acquire …
graph $ G $: each player is associated with a node in $ G $ and can either acquire …