Pride: The emotional foundation of social rank attainment
Pride is a self-conscious emotion, comprised of two distinct facets known as authentic and
hubristic pride, and associated with a cross-culturally recognized nonverbal expression …
hubristic pride, and associated with a cross-culturally recognized nonverbal expression …
Forms and functions of the self-conscious emotions
D Sznycer - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2019 - cell.com
Pride, shame, and guilt color our highest and lowest personal moments. Recent evidence
suggests that these self-conscious emotions are neurocognitive adaptations crafted by …
suggests that these self-conscious emotions are neurocognitive adaptations crafted by …
[Књига][B] Responsibility from the Margins
D Shoemaker - 2015 - books.google.com
David Shoemaker presents an original, pluralistic theory of the nature of responsibility, built
out of the different kinds of emotional responses people tend to have to the expressions of …
out of the different kinds of emotional responses people tend to have to the expressions of …
Shame closely tracks the threat of devaluation by others, even across cultures
We test the theory that shame evolved as a defense against being devalued by others. By
hypothesis, shame is a neurocomputational program tailored by selection to orchestrate …
hypothesis, shame is a neurocomputational program tailored by selection to orchestrate …
The weirdest people in the world?
Behavioral scientists routinely publish broad claims about human psychology and behavior
in the world's top journals based on samples drawn entirely from Western, Educated …
in the world's top journals based on samples drawn entirely from Western, Educated …
[PDF][PDF] The moral emotions
J Haidt - Handbook of affective sciences, 2003 - overcominghateportal.org
Morality dignifies and elevates. When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, God said"
Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil"(Gen. 3: 22). In many of the …
Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil"(Gen. 3: 22). In many of the …
The evolution of prestige: Freely conferred deference as a mechanism for enhancing the benefits of cultural transmission
This paper advances an “information goods” theory that explains prestige processes as an
emergent product of psychological adaptations that evolved to improve the quality of …
emergent product of psychological adaptations that evolved to improve the quality of …
[Књига][B] Gut reactions: A perceptual theory of emotion
JJ Prinz - 2004 - books.google.com
Gut Reactions is an interdisciplinary defense of the claim that emotions are perceptions in a
double sense. First of all, they are perceptions of changes in the body, but, through the body …
double sense. First of all, they are perceptions of changes in the body, but, through the body …
[Књига][B] The sociology of emotions
All social relations involve emotional responses, from the simplest face-to-face encounter
through the mobilization of social movements to the commitments that individuals develop …
through the mobilization of social movements to the commitments that individuals develop …
Reconsidering the differences between shame and guilt
Although most researchers maintain that shame and guilt are distinct emotions, the debate
on their differences is still open. We aim to show that some of the current distinctions …
on their differences is still open. We aim to show that some of the current distinctions …