[HTML][HTML] Do students learn what they teach when generating teaching materials for others? A meta-analysis through the lens of learning by teaching
Students can generate teaching materials for others. However, solid evidence of the
learning effect for the student creating the material is needed. This meta-analysis aims to …
learning effect for the student creating the material is needed. This meta-analysis aims to …
[CARTE][B] Distrusting educational technology: Critical questions for changing times
N Selwyn - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Distrusting Educational Technology critically explores the optimistic consensus that has
arisen around the use of digital technology in education. Drawing on a variety of theoretical …
arisen around the use of digital technology in education. Drawing on a variety of theoretical …
Can Web 2.0 technology assist college students in learning English writing? Integrating Facebook and peer assessment with blended learning
RC Shih - Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2011 - ajet.org.au
The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of integrating Facebook and peer
assessment with college English writing class instruction through a blended teaching …
assessment with college English writing class instruction through a blended teaching …
Tweeters on campus: Twitter a learning tool in classroom?
A Dhir, K Buragga, AA Boreqqah - Journal of Universal Computer …, 2013 - research.aalto.fi
Twitter is a well-known Web 2.0 microblogging social networking site that is quite popular for
organizing events and sharing updates. It provides just in time communication, social …
organizing events and sharing updates. It provides just in time communication, social …
[PDF][PDF] Social media in higher education
N Selwyn - The Europa world of learning, 2012 - academia.edu
Few people will have failed to notice the recent emergence of social media—especially
much-publicized applications such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Wikipedia. Even the …
much-publicized applications such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Wikipedia. Even the …
[CARTE][B] Design of technology-enhanced learning: Integrating research and practice
M Bower - 2017 - emerald.com
The ability for learners to interact online via their avatars in a 3-D simulation space means
that virtual worlds afford a host of educational opportunities not offered by other learning …
that virtual worlds afford a host of educational opportunities not offered by other learning …
[CARTE][B] Blending technologies in second language classrooms
P Gruba, D Hinkelman - 2012 - academia.edu
3.3 Meso level design considerations of institutional goals 36 3.4 Potential mistakes in
selecting technologies 39 3.5 Possible issues, causes and potential management tactics 40 …
selecting technologies 39 3.5 Possible issues, causes and potential management tactics 40 …
[CARTE][B] El feedback en educación superior y profesional: Comprenderlo y hacerlo bien
El libro analiza qué hay que hacer para lograr que el feedback sea más eficaz. Ahonda en
el problema del feedback y sugiere que falta claridad y se carece de un significado …
el problema del feedback y sugiere que falta claridad y se carece de un significado …
The use of social networking and learning management systems in English language teaching in higher education
Purpose–The use of web-enhanced teaching of the English as a foreign language in higher
education in Greece is addressed in this case study which examines the student's …
education in Greece is addressed in this case study which examines the student's …
Fostering pre-service teachers' self-regulated learning through self-and peer assessment of wiki projects
EMW Ng - Computers & Education, 2016 - Elsevier
This study investigates whether self-regulated learning of pre-service early-childhood
teachers is a viable pedagogy to improve the quality of their wiki-based projects. A total of 76 …
teachers is a viable pedagogy to improve the quality of their wiki-based projects. A total of 76 …