[HTML][HTML] Do students learn what they teach when generating teaching materials for others? A meta-analysis through the lens of learning by teaching

J Ribosa, D Duran - Educational Research Review, 2022 - Elsevier
Students can generate teaching materials for others. However, solid evidence of the
learning effect for the student creating the material is needed. This meta-analysis aims to …

[CARTE][B] Distrusting educational technology: Critical questions for changing times

N Selwyn - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Distrusting Educational Technology critically explores the optimistic consensus that has
arisen around the use of digital technology in education. Drawing on a variety of theoretical …

Can Web 2.0 technology assist college students in learning English writing? Integrating Facebook and peer assessment with blended learning

RC Shih - Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2011 - ajet.org.au
The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of integrating Facebook and peer
assessment with college English writing class instruction through a blended teaching …

Tweeters on campus: Twitter a learning tool in classroom?

A Dhir, K Buragga, AA Boreqqah - Journal of Universal Computer …, 2013 - research.aalto.fi
Twitter is a well-known Web 2.0 microblogging social networking site that is quite popular for
organizing events and sharing updates. It provides just in time communication, social …

[PDF][PDF] Social media in higher education

N Selwyn - The Europa world of learning, 2012 - academia.edu
Few people will have failed to notice the recent emergence of social media—especially
much-publicized applications such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Wikipedia. Even the …

[CARTE][B] Design of technology-enhanced learning: Integrating research and practice

M Bower - 2017 - emerald.com
The ability for learners to interact online via their avatars in a 3-D simulation space means
that virtual worlds afford a host of educational opportunities not offered by other learning …

[CARTE][B] Blending technologies in second language classrooms

P Gruba, D Hinkelman - 2012 - academia.edu
3.3 Meso level design considerations of institutional goals 36 3.4 Potential mistakes in
selecting technologies 39 3.5 Possible issues, causes and potential management tactics 40 …

[CARTE][B] El feedback en educación superior y profesional: Comprenderlo y hacerlo bien

D Boud, E Molloy - 2015 - books.google.com
El libro analiza qué hay que hacer para lograr que el feedback sea más eficaz. Ahonda en
el problema del feedback y sugiere que falta claridad y se carece de un significado …

The use of social networking and learning management systems in English language teaching in higher education

E Dogoriti, J Pange, G S. Anderson - Campus-Wide information …, 2014 - emerald.com
Purpose–The use of web-enhanced teaching of the English as a foreign language in higher
education in Greece is addressed in this case study which examines the student's …

Fostering pre-service teachers' self-regulated learning through self-and peer assessment of wiki projects

EMW Ng - Computers & Education, 2016 - Elsevier
This study investigates whether self-regulated learning of pre-service early-childhood
teachers is a viable pedagogy to improve the quality of their wiki-based projects. A total of 76 …