Opportunities and challenges in the development of exoskeletons for locomotor assistance
Exoskeletons can augment the performance of unimpaired users and restore movement in
individuals with gait impairments. Knowledge of how users interact with wearable devices …
individuals with gait impairments. Knowledge of how users interact with wearable devices …
State of the art and future directions for lower limb robotic exoskeletons
Research on robotic exoskeletons has rapidly expanded over the previous decade.
Advances in robotic hardware and energy supplies have enabled viable prototypes for …
Advances in robotic hardware and energy supplies have enabled viable prototypes for …
Human-in-the-loop optimization of exoskeleton assistance during walking
Exoskeletons and active prostheses promise to enhance human mobility, but few have
succeeded. Optimizing device characteristics on the basis of measured human performance …
succeeded. Optimizing device characteristics on the basis of measured human performance …
Individualization of exosuit assistance based on measured muscle dynamics during versatile walking
Variability in human walking depends on individual physiology, environment, and walking
task. Consequently, in the field of wearable robotics, there is a clear need for customizing …
task. Consequently, in the field of wearable robotics, there is a clear need for customizing …
The role of user preference in the customized control of robotic exoskeletons
User preference is a promising objective for the control of robotic exoskeletons because it
may capture the multifactorial nature of exoskeleton use. However, to use it, we must first …
may capture the multifactorial nature of exoskeleton use. However, to use it, we must first …
Control strategies used in lower limb exoskeletons for gait rehabilitation after brain injury: a systematic review and analysis of clinical effectiveness
Background In the past decade, there has been substantial progress in the development of
robotic controllers that specify how lower-limb exoskeletons should interact with brain …
robotic controllers that specify how lower-limb exoskeletons should interact with brain …
How adaptation, training, and customization contribute to benefits from exoskeleton assistance
Exoskeletons can enhance human mobility, but we still know little about why they are
effective. For example, we do not know the relative importance of training, how much is …
effective. For example, we do not know the relative importance of training, how much is …
Intention-based EMG control for powered exoskeletons
Electromyographical (EMG) signals have been frequently used to estimate human muscular
torques. In the field of human-assistive robotics, these methods provide valuable information …
torques. In the field of human-assistive robotics, these methods provide valuable information …
Optimizing exoskeleton assistance for faster self-selected walking
Self-selected walking speed is an important aspect of mobility. Exoskeletons can increase
walking speed, but the mechanisms behind these changes and the upper limits on …
walking speed, but the mechanisms behind these changes and the upper limits on …
Reducing the energy cost of walking with low assistance levels through optimized hip flexion assistance from a soft exosuit
As we age, humans see natural decreases in muscle force and power which leads to a
slower, less efficient gait. Improving mobility for both healthy individuals and those with …
slower, less efficient gait. Improving mobility for both healthy individuals and those with …