When is unconditional self-acceptance a better predictor of mental health than self-esteem?
S Popov - Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior …, 2019 - Springer
In REBT, self-esteem (SE) is seen as detrimental to mental health, in comparison to more
adaptive construct—unconditional self-acceptance (USA). USA represents an absence of …
adaptive construct—unconditional self-acceptance (USA). USA represents an absence of …
Rational-emotive and cognitive-behavior therapy (REBT/CBT) versus pharmacotherapy versus REBT/CBT plus pharmacotherapy in the treatment of major depressive …
Major depressive disorder is a highly prevalent and debilitating condition in youth, so
develo** efficient treatments is a priority for mental health professionals. Psychotherapy …
develo** efficient treatments is a priority for mental health professionals. Psychotherapy …
Decoding unconditional self-acceptance: A qualitative report
Unconditional self-acceptance (USA) is a philosophy practiced to avoid the consequences
of self-esteem in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT). It is considered to be one of …
of self-esteem in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT). It is considered to be one of …
The measurement of irrationality and rationality
Abstract Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) assumes that when people are faced
with adverse, activating events, their irrational beliefs generate dysfunctional feelings and …
with adverse, activating events, their irrational beliefs generate dysfunctional feelings and …
A meta-analytical approach of the relationships between the irrationality of beliefs and the functionality of automatic thoughts
R Şoflău, DO David - Cognitive Therapy and Research, 2017 - Springer
Although irrational beliefs (IBs) and automatic thoughts (ATs) have been proposed as
mechanisms that contribute to psychopathology in the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) …
mechanisms that contribute to psychopathology in the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) …
Rational beliefs as cognitive protective factors against posttraumatic stress symptoms
The current study investigated the predictions of rational emotive behaviour therapy's
(REBT) model of psychological health that rational beliefs would act as cognitive protective …
(REBT) model of psychological health that rational beliefs would act as cognitive protective …
Unveiling Gender Differences in Psychological Well-being and Rational Beliefs Among Eating Disorder Patients
Method The present study was approved by the appropriate University Bioethics Committee
and Department of Psychology Ethics Committee with protocol number 68,444 on May 10th …
and Department of Psychology Ethics Committee with protocol number 68,444 on May 10th …
Parental unconditional acceptance: An antidote to parental conditional regard
KKY Tsang, S Lam - Social Development, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Studies around the world revealed that children's performance is a significant source of
parents' self‐worth. This phenomenon is particularly salient among Chinese parents …
parents' self‐worth. This phenomenon is particularly salient among Chinese parents …
The impact of irrational beliefs on paranoid thoughts
R Soflau, DO David - Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy, 2019 - cambridge.org
Background: Although the ABC model proposed by cognitive behavioral theory has strong
empirical support for a wide range of psychological problems, little is known about the role of …
empirical support for a wide range of psychological problems, little is known about the role of …
Self-acceptance in today's young people
Acceptance of the self, others and the environment is a force for personal change that has its
origins in many eastern and western cultures. The benefits of accepting are described by …
origins in many eastern and western cultures. The benefits of accepting are described by …